It's my birthday!
Yup, well today is the day. The big 30! I've been dreading it for some time now. I normally LOVE my birthday but - 30? I feel so old - saying goodbye to the 20's was quite depressing. I guess I have to suck it up & admit that I just may be an adult now. Oh the humanity!Alright, alright, I must admit, amongst all the dread I actually enjoyed my day (thus far)! I was lucky enough to have the day off from work & a husband that handed me $50 & told me to go buy somethin' purty (ok, maybe not quite like that). So, I hopped in the "go-go-gadget-neon" & off to TJ Max I went. I am so proud of my shopping - I got 2 jackets (1 Nike Dri-Fit that goes for $55) for a mere $18 each, a sweater for $7 & 2 pretty tank sweaters for (yes-) $3 each! Yes folks, I even had a dollar left to my name when I left that store.
So, as I sit here typing away in my new blog - my husband yelling at my beagle puppy who has a taste for socks ... I realize that I need to get off my ass & put together the excercise routines for the week.