That's me at the gym - on the tread mill! Or at least that's how I felt! My God - it's been too long. My body was a-screamin' I tell you. I did my cardio but not like I used to. I had to take it easy & we got there late so I couldn't get in my full time which was kind of stinky (but shhh! I'm sort of glad!).It was great to see the usual gym crew. Ok so it only consists of two guys shut up - the gym crew that early in the morning is small - we live in a small town & it's 4:30 in the morning - not the smartest people are up - I wont say that too loud - both those guys are cops! Oh, wait - actually the two girls that go running outside in the warm weather & do weights & are usually just about done when we get there were there too plus some new dude. Anyway, it's so nice to be back to it & I'm starting to be feeling like myself again.
Tonight I'm going out to eat & christmas shopping with some friends from work. The funny thing is that we're all pretty much broke so we're mostly just going out to eat & then nosing around the Christmas Tree Schoppe store & then maybe browsing around the mall for ideas for next week/the balance of christmas shopping. It should be fun. We all enjoy each others company so we'll have a good time.