Let him in
I'm looking forward to tonight. My dh & I are going to LaSalette's (I'm pretty sure I'm spelling that wrong). It's a Catholic (duh!) place - well a shrine I guess. Anyway - they light it all up during the Xmas holiday & it's supposed to be absolutely beautiful. He comes from a Catholic family (he was an alter boy!) & his mom used to take him (& his sibs) there as a child so he wants to take me there (how sweet). I am really looking forward to it. He found it to be a very spiritual experience & is sure I will as well so we both think it will be very good for both of us (mainly me right now!!).There is a gift shoppe as well & I want to purchase a tiny gold cross. Apparently they even serve hot cocoa. We're hoping to get dinner at the same restaurant that his mother used to take him & his siblings to for memories sake - he's racking his brain trying to remember the name - LOL! He's probably going to end up calling her. They aren't on the best of terms but they are kind of talking lately so we'll see ... Anyway, we went online & got directions.
I'm not the most (obvious) religious person & my husband isn't exactly a devout catholic (far from it). My relationship with God is mine & mine alone. I am very spiritual - people just don't know it. I know that God respects that (as I do him). I don't need to advertise my relationship with him. But, I will say that not going to church is not helping & I do need to start going. We have been talking about going to church for like MONTHS! We are going tomorrow (for real) & I hope to start going regularly. I may start going to ccd.