My poor cat

<----- Mr. Pooks (Spooky) (Aka. Mommy's little angel) I think he has a urinary tract infection for something. He was pretty listless for a couple days & now he is more up & about but he is peeing like it's going out of style. He is even losing control of his pee. He's been trying to hang out with me & my DH but I caught him upstairs on our bed laying in his own pee! I had to take off the sheet & the feather bed (lucky - he didn't get it on the mattress itself) & kick him out. This morning his whole left hind leg was wet with pee & he just came to try to lay with me & his whole underside is covered! I feel so awful, I'm calling the vet in a few minutes (I stayed home from work but I have to wait for them to open) to get him in. My poor little angel - he NEVER gets sick so this is a shocker for me. I'm debating on whether or not to give him a bath so he's not embarrassed at the vet & doesn't feel all icky because I'm sure he's uncomfortable as it is. My poor baby, think good thoughts for him!
** UPDATE: I got an appt for 1:30 this afternoon. I didn't realize until now that he even peed on our recliner. I can't very well be mad at him. I hope what's wrong with him is treatable. He's never been sick (he's 5 years old).