Hiking day
My husband, Lucy (our beagle) & I went for a nice hike this morning/afternoon. Since it's been raining for a straight 9 days & today was the first day we saw the sun (was it nice!) there was a lot of flooding. Needless to say - I have me some wet feet & pants but if you don't enjoy the outdoors what fun is there. It was so refreshing to get outside & do something. I love nature & the outdoors always seem to revive me. All the lakes were overflowed & the park was actually blocked off to cars which made our hike even nicer (longer).Lucy loved it too - as you can see. She scoped out the trails to give us the ok to go. She had such a blast that now she's passed out on the couch dreaming her little heart out.
I'd say we hiked a good 2 miles or so - nothing big but was enjoyable none-the-less. The leaves are starting to change & are nicely layed out on the trail to guide are way. Pine needles are starting to fall too. I just love walking on beds of pine needles - so soft & quiet.
We didn't see much in the way of wild life - just your average squirrels & chipmunks. I'm good with that though - I wouldn't be typing had I run into a bear now would I? LOL.
We ran into a few places where the lakes had overflowed so badly there was water blocking our trails. Luckilly the flooding is common in certain spots so they have make-shift bridges already in place. It was absolutely adorable how Lucy followed her Daddy on the bridge while I trailed behind with the camera. Jeeze, I just realized that I hogged the camera so much that only Mr.PTtobeGirl & Lucy are the picture stars!
Oh well, we had a splendid time. Lucy is now dreaming so vividly that she's barking in her sleep. I love when she does that (well, except when it's in the middle of the night & I'm trying to sleep). Being a beagle it's not a real bark & when she does it in her sleep it's even funnier. The best part is when she gets her feet going. She must be dreaming of chacing a squirrel or something. Speak of the devil - the feet are going now. Just twitching though - not running yet.