Friday, December 16, 2005


What a day.

I'm not sure what I feel today. I have my first appt with a new therapist today at noon and I'm nervous as all shit. She was recommended by my old one but still. I have to basically fill her in all over again? She specializes in BPD so that's great. I have such a hard time feeling like I'm some kind of freak or something with this darned disorder. I can't get past that. Even my sister thinks that - I swear! Don't believe me? Ok, ok. See for yourself:

And, I quote: "this is one job where you can't have your judgment impaired/shaded-you know what I mean, especially if something should happen which could be life threatening to someone"

I'm unemployed & I have signed up to take the first in a series of exams to become a local town police officer. That is what she is referring to. I will eventually need to take the psych exam. Will they hold me back because I have BPD? I'm going to have to ask my new doc this today. I am on medication for it & being treated so I sure hope not. My town consists of about 7,000 people so it's not a huge town.

Anyway, I guess I should jump in the shower here. My appt is at noon & it's about 10am here.