It's so freakishly windy here in CT right now that it's kicked out my power & I'm just waiting for a tree to fall on my house. I called the power company & they aren't even giving out restoration times! It's so dark, dismal & windy & it's trying to rain. It's like a hurricane out there - so strange. My laptop power is dwindling .....Here I thought you might like this. I wrote it about 5-6 years ago:
Running in the night,
down the road - trees on both sides of me.
I look back - to the left - to the right.
Keep going, running into the woods deep.
Hear the noises, broken branches
Can't stop no second chances.
Keep going, no time to stop
It's getting darker ----- What?
Was that sound?
I hear something?
All around.
It's nothing!
I said don't stop - keep moving - fast.
Don't look back.
Can't slow down - the time will pass.
Don't cut no slack - only forward - NEVER back!
Keep running through the trees,
step on the leaves -
got to breathe.
But never, ever STOP.
Running in the night
it's so dark tonight!
Run, run avoid the trees,
don't trip - slide on the leaves.
Run, run through the woods.
Run, run but it's not good.
Walk, walk at a fast pace,
as the sun comes up & stops my race.
-- I think that's what confirmed my initial bipolar diagnosis - go figure! I shared it with my tdoc at the time ... but I still didn't believe him. Now it's so incredibly obvious! Anyway, it's one of my favorite poems & I thought everyone could relate.