Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's my birfday!

I am officially *cough* *cough* 31 today.

Tonight my friend Jaime is taking me out to dinner.
Tomorrow the ex wants to take me out (that should be strange).
Thursday I'm going out with "Nigel" --> if I make it that long!

Nigel called me last night on his way to band rehearsal (they rehearse Mondays & Wednesdays or Thursdays) to see what I was doing for my birthday - how sweet! I told him I had plans with Jaime & plans on Wednesday so he's requesting his band rehearsal day to be Wednesday so he can take me out on Thursday. I can't wait - let's all hope I make it past dinner & don't attack him the second I see him!

Oh & I'm home because my new boss called me yesterday to ask me to start Thursday instead. She felt really bad & offered to pay me for today & Wednesday - how cool is that?! She didn't realize she had quite a few meetings scheduled for today & tomorrow & she didn't want to leave me without any guidance on my first days.