Well, I just got a call from "the other guy". He wanted to apologize for not going out last night & his reason. It turns out that he really had a family crisis involving his brother but his brother was in the room when he was talking to me & he didn't want embarass him by telling me in front of him. I thought that was really sweet & it also shows how much he values family & loves his brother so that's a plus. He was very concerned that I might have been upset. I told him I thought it was an odd change of plan & he said that he really did want to meet up with me but he needed to be there for his brother.On another note, my ex is having a buddy of his move in - earlier than expected. He's going to be moving in on Sunday & he's giving a relatives old bedroom set to my ex so we will be moving everything around & putting my bedroom set (formerly my mom's so it holds huge sentimental value) in another room. We discussed all the other furniture as well & I will be getting quite a bit of it since his buddy is bringing a lot of his over. I guess this is going to work out well with the exception of getting along with his friend/roomate. I already told my ex that he had better treat me with respect & he told me if he starts in on me to just tell him to shut up & I said that's exactly what I'll do.
And, I got a call from the lady at the newspaper I applied at last week & she should be calling me on Monday. Things are falling into place for me so I have a good feeling about this too. If the job works out I will be all set :-)