I am soo old!
This am consisted of about 1 -1/2 miles on the treadmill at a 15% incline - 3.5 -4mph and then 15 minutes on the bike and a little extra cooldown on the treadmill.My gastrocnemius muscles (calf muscles) are screaming at me to lay off the running so I had no choice. I'm so old!! It's my own darned fault - I was runing again on Sunday. Too much running makes Jacqui a dull girl (ever watch "The Shining")? Well, if ya didn't then that makes absolutely no sense to ya ... If ya did - it still probably doesn't make too much sense.
Anyhow - that chest workout rocked my world. I had DOMS that lasted for 2, going on 3 days. I can still feel it ever so slightly.
Tomorrow is circuit training and later biceps and triceps :-)