Rants and raves and PMS
Well, I should know it as a trainer that what the scale says doesn't matter but dammit-all I've finally had it. I can't seem to get out of the habit of using it so ... to prevent future heartache ...I threw the damn thing out the window. I'm sick of that f'in thing telling me I am not making any progress. What the hell does it know anyway besides nothing!
I opened the bathroom window and chucked that mother f'er right out to bathroom scale heaven. It's darned lucky I didn't break it into a million pieces first!
Ok, I'm done now. Darned PMS is getting the best of me.
The hubby and I did spend a nice few hours kayaking at a local lake and we even layed out in the sun a little bit for the first time this year. It's around 70 degrees out today and just beautiful with sunny, blue skies. God must be watching over me and trying to kick that PMS out to the curb (or to bathroom scale heaven with my not so precious bathroom scale).