Picture hosting thingamabobber
Ok, so I'm downloading this picture hosting site thingamajig. Wish me luck because I have no damned clue as to what to do. I'm new to this whole blogging/web publishing deal so .... if all goes well maybe you'll get to see some pictures :-)I didn't make it to the gym this morning because I forgot to re-set my alarm (something I don't ordinarily have to do). I was going to go tonight so I didn't miss a day or mess with my schedule but I'm just so exhausted. It's not a bad idea to take a few days off here & there so. I'll be heading to the gym tomorrow though (which is normally an off day) so actually, it'll even out anyhow. I still feel strange being all "off schedule" - especially me - I'm so anal about having a routine with set days and yada, yada, yada .....
Well, I think I need to install this thing now that it's done downloading so 'till later ....