Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Today's w/o & an official new client

I passed the test. Yup, I made it to the gym this morninig by myself. I had to change it up though - did 10 minutes on the elliptical trainer & 15 on the bicycle. Then I did bi's & tri's:

3 Supersets:

  • 8 reps - 10#'s - bicep curls
  • 8 reps - 10# - skull crushers

  • 8 reps - 15# - hammer body curls
  • 8 reps - 15#'s - tricep extensions


  • 10 crunches on the roman chair (later on I was feeling it - I'd done 10 yesterday as well)
I also got myself more familiar with some of the equipment at the gym - like the cable machine etc.

Yesterday's treadmill workout was something like this:

  • .25 at 3.0 (to warm-up)
  • .50 at 5.5 (slow jog)
  • .50 at 7.0 (run)
  • .25 at 3.0
  • .25 (at 6 & then 7 % incline)
  • .25 at 6.5 (slow jog)
  • .25 at 3.0 (to cool down)

----> Total: 2.25 miles

Tomorrow I intend to go back to treadmilling it but I will run full miles rather than splitting it up & will push myself by doing them at at least 6mph. Afterwards - I will be doing shoulders or back (not sure which yet). It's supposed to snow tonight (wtf!) so it may be a rough ride to work in the am.

Good news: I have my official first client - she works at our town middle school & she is 50yrs old. She is getting medical clearance from her doctor (per my request) & I am thinking I'll plan to interview & do the fitness tests on Monday but I'm not sure yet. Her schedule is such that my ours of training her will be perfect (after 5:30pm & the weekends). I'm very excited & very nervous! I managed to find perfect documents for the initial interview right smack dab in my AFAA study book (duh!) so I'm all set there.

That covers it ... now ....

The awful truth: I probably shouldn't have eaten that chicken skin.
Brownie points: I'm sticking to the am workouts!
Ate veggies today for snacks.