Well, this morning (after a great sleep thanks to finally giving in and taking my homeopathic sleep aid I bought a few years back) I hit the gym and worked my bi's and tri's and some bonus legs just 'cause (I had time). Here's what I did for those that don't get bored to death:All Supersets (bi's, tri's, bi's, tri's etc... you know me!):
Bicep superset with Tricep:
3 sets of 8 @ 10#'s - Bicep Curls
3 sets of 8 @ 15#'s - Tricep Extensions
3 sets of 8 @ 10#'s - Hammer Curls
3 sets of 8 @ 10#'s - Lying Tricep Extensions
3 sets of 6 @ 25#s - Bicep Curl Machine
3 sets of 8 @ 40#'s - Tricep Pushdowns (Cable Machine)
1 set of 8 Bench Dips
Just Playing:
3 sets of 8 @ 140#'s - Leg Press
1 set of 10 @ 10#'s - Lunges
2 sets of 10 - Roman Chair Bent Knee Lift
1 set of 4 - Roman Chair Side Bent Knee Lift
That covers the workout. Tomorrow is Shoulders and Legs (for real). My workout buddy was MIA today because she has a nasty-ass cold/allergy thing going on. She was the epitome of nasal yesterday.
I did help out the cop I was talking about that was at the relay today with his form on Tricep Pushdowns - he was all hunched over an forcing the weight. We chatted a bit. He's a very nice guy. He's already lost 67#'s on his own. Isn't that awesome?!
Oh & I'm helping a girlfriend at work gain muscle. She was diagnosed with Rheumetoid (sp?) Arthritus 2 years ago and has lost 12 pounds - she's gone from a size 10 to a size 4 and wants to build some muscle because a lot of what she lost was muscle. I prescribed her workout and last night was her first shot. I'll see today how it went. And, obviously - I'm not charging her - I just wouldn't feel right about it - she's a friend! Plus, I feel bad charging my client at the gym for Heaven's sake :-)
Well, I have to take out Lucy to do her business and then get off to work.
Take care everyone!