Saturday, June 04, 2005

Weights week

This week was again weights week (Tuesday-Friday).

Tuesday: Legs (after 60 lunges Jaime whined all week - gotta love her) & abs
Wednesday: Shoulders & abs
Thursday: Chest & Tri's
Friday: Back & Bi's

I did cardio most days too (10-20 minutes - just because I couldn't forgo it all together)

Next week will be 3 days of weights & at least 3 of cardio (kind of a BFL-style):

Monday: Legs & Shoulders
Tuesday: Cardio
Wednesday: Chest & Tri's
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Back & Bi's
Saturday: Cardio
Sunday: optional cardio

I find I have the ultimate results with a perfect blend of the two and best with heavy weights/low reps. This is basically something I would recommend for a client so I know it's perfect.

And ..... I noticed yesterday that my triceps are huge! Not sure when that happened but man! I was showing my hubby last night & he was like "Nice!". Of course the tanned skin helps bring out muscle definition. You can actually see & feel the different heads of my tri now - Yippee!

Am I boring the shit out of you all? Sorry, but hey - it excites me!