How to deal?
This whole situation is so strange to me. So strange ... My husband left work early yesterday & came home & we talked about everything. He is absolutely heartbroken & blaming himself. I didn't want to point out all the wrongs he's done considering the bomb I dropped already. We did talk & I told him how I felt about our sex life etc. We decided that it would be best if I wasn't around for a few days so I'm staying at my friends apartment & coming home during the day when my husband is at work.He thinks I'm leaving him for "Ted" when in reality I have no idea where "Ted" & I stand. I asked "Ted" last night what he wanted & he said he didn't know. I said that basically I don't either & we kind of left it at that. Seeing someone else after 10+ years is such a reality check. All those questions, not knowing him, getting to know him, wondering what he thinks of me & our relationship (if it is that). All I know is if he & I are going to date we should probably actually date. We never seem to make it beyond his bed (not that that's bad - LOL!). I didn't spend last night with him. He smoked & said it made him a little sick so we just said goodnight (& kissed of course) & decided to talk/see each other today.
I think he may have popped in at my friends in the morning but I was half asleep & my friend told him I was sleeping. But, then - I could have just dreamed it ...
Today I have a hair appt & I may even have a job! I got an email from the publishing assistant at a newspaper that I sent my resume to. I'm hoping it pans out - that'd be such a huge relief.