Sunday, June 11, 2006

The excitement in my life ..

To answer Jane's questions & not get kicked in the rear:

Yup, Nigel is becoming a friend with benefits. Although we were supposed to just be friends he showed up at 3:15 in the morning on Friday night (well, Saturday morning). He'd been at his friends house (just up the road) & was a little (ok a lot) tipsy (& horny as hell) & thought he'd stop by hoping I was home rather than driving home. Lucky for him I had just walked in the door not 2 minutes before! So, it was nice & the next morning we went out to breakfast.

I guess being just friends may not work out so well. But, it was more likely just an isolated incident - very unlike him. We've become really close friends & I'm not going to over-analyze it. He's a great person & a LOT of fun & I value our friendship.

The eyebrows - I usually get them waxed but, I did a good job on my own :-)

The hair - that came out good too. I just followed what my hairdresser had done with the layers & it came out fine (thank God!). I didn't cut too much off & probably could have cut a little bit more. I was being conservitive just in case. That way if it did get fucked up it wouldn't have been a very big deal getting it fixed.

Oh -- on Saturday the other guy (the 21 year old) decided he was horny & wanted to pick up his clothes that he left at the house so he came over & I basically turned him down. I just couldn't do it - I was starting to feel trashy. All he wants is sex & I can't even get a decent meal out of him. I'm a person not a piece of meat. It's not like I want stimulating conversation - just something to show that he acknowledges me as more than something to stick his you-know-what in! Besides, Nigel had just slept over the night before & I just didn't feel right.

So ... today I was feeling low - realized I'd forgotten to take my Lamictal ... took it & took a nap. I woke up & my eyes were full of crap & all red. The landlord had decided it was a good day/time to mow the lawn so I think it's just allergies but, I've never had allergies like this - it's awful. I put in my contacts & went out for a ride to the store & when I came back & went online they were hurting pretty bad so I took them out & put on my glasses. They were full of crap again & now they're all runny & bloodshot. Could it be the Lamictal or just allergies? I increased my dosage faster than when I first was on it per my doc's ok & I'm only at 50mgs a day & have been for 3 days now, after doing 3 days at 25mgs. I'm thinking it's probably just allergies but, I'll see how I am tomorrow before I call my pdoc.

Anyway, more good news: I found out that come September I will officially start outside sales. The current Adv Assistant is moving to the other office to take over as Production Manager for the Composition Dept & I will need to fill in until the actual Adv Assistant comes back from maternity leave (in Sept). This will give me a chance to learn a lot before the actual transition takes place so I'm psyched. Not to mention that the President/Publisher told me what I'll be making & it's almost 2x's what I'm making now! I'm loving that - plus by that time my car will be paid off - can't get any better than that huh?

Back to Friday night. Went to the jewelery party with the girls from work & then out to a couple bars. The one girl that I'm pretty good friends with now (A) got hammered & made a complete fool of herself (I was the most sober one - didn't feel like drinking). She was loud, obnoxious & talking to complete strangers. She even "fluffed" in the car & was screaming for her food at the McDonald's drive-thru & threw a fit because they were only offering the late-night menu & she couldn't get a double cheeseburger. Oh & to top it off -- before McDonald's we were at this bar & A wants to go outside for a cigarette but wants to bring her bottle of beer so she asks for one of my other co-workers (my temporary boss until I'm her equal in outside sales) J to borrow her larger purse. She ends up spilling beer all over the inside/bottom of J's purse. Mind you - this is a purse that J spent 3 months trying to find & it cost a few hundred dollars. A also got beer all over her $150 dollar wallet.

Then A. calls me at 9pm last night & I didn't answer. I finally called her back & left her a VM. She then proceeds to call me at midnight, 12:30 & sometime after 1am & texted me "PLEASE CALL". Now, ordinarilly I wouldn't mind a late night call but, I was just chilling, watching CSI re-runs & falling asleep on the couch so I ignored them. Well, the first 2 - after that I was asleep. Plus, I can only assume that if she's calling me at that hour she's probably wasted & I just didn't want to deal with it. ARGH!

Alright, well I'm hungry so I'd better eat something.