3 Stripes Instructor Program
Ok, so I get this Adidas catalog in the mail & I'm all - why did I get this & wow these prices are awesome! So I look through it mesmorized by the low prices & then I see on the back cover that it is a special program for fitness prof's. It's called the 3-Stripes Instructor Program. So, I need to send in a copy of my certification yada, yada, yada - I get up to 40% off some items! Yippee for me!They don't want people to abuse it so they even ask you your sizes with the application. Now, I just have to figure out how to fill it out since they ask for the club name & director etc. which is a pain for me since I work at the gym kinda free-lance (with the owners permission) but he doesn't pay me nor I him. He just lets me use his gym & as long as my clients are members he could care less.
So I have to figure out how to fill this out & decide what I want which is sooo tough! Everything is soooo awesome. What to do, what to do.