Saturday, June 11, 2005

Fucking cramps

Hi all. Sorry I've been slacking on the blogging this week.

Went to an Herb Party (not the kind you're thinking!) last night. It was for Wildtree Herbs. I bought a few different dip mixes & a "Quick & Easy Meals" mix that includes around 6 different seasonings. It was a lot of fun - a bunch of women gathered around a table with crackers, breads, fruit, cake, dips (including cheese, sourcream & chocolate) & oils (healthy ones with no trans fats, and only around 1 gram of saturated fat). It was a lot of fun. There were about 10 of us so it was quaint. Quite a haul to get there but well worth it!

Today was supposed to be beach day but it's mostly cloudy & the weather calls for isolated thunderstorms (Damn Mother Nature!) so it's just going to be tanning salon, lazy day instead.

I got my period today (thank freakin' God - I was so damned irritable I couldn't wait for it to just get here & put me & everyone around me out of their misery) so I feel like shit. Fucking cramps & there's no pain reliever in the house so I'm waiting for the hubby to get home (from his bike ride that I would have liked to go on but wasn't awake enough or well feeling enough to embark on) so I can skip out for a few to pick up some Advil & go to tanning. Sorry you men about the girl talk but hey - I'm a girl - it's what we do!

Oh & I found out (the hard way) that Aleve - that is advertised to work for 12 hours - takes 6 hours to work (poorly). So you really need to take it 6 hours in advance. What the hell good is that? Naproxen is good for nothing. Every time my back acted up in the past my (dumbass - need to switch to a decent) doctor would prescribe me that Naproxen shit & it did NOTHING. I finally told him & he prescribed me a muscle relaxer that also did NOTHING (I don't remember the name of it - not that it matters). My doctor may have well have saved me the $$ & told me to suck it up & wait it out - I would feel better eventually.

Tylenol (Acetaminophen) - also good for nothing. I might as well eat candy.

Aspirin (Bayer or whatever) - I haven't taken since I was a kid & it worked then but now?? Not so much ...

Advil (Ibuprofen) - Godsent. Love the stuff. It's all that works for me & frankly - if I could marry it - I would. Just not sure if I would have to divorce Mr.PT to be Girl first??

Ah, speak of the devil Mr.Pt to be Girl is home. Now I can head out. Yippee!!

Oops, 1 more thing b4 I go. I lost .9% bodyfat this week. Not too shabby!