Thursday, June 16, 2005

What's up doc?

So, I didn't tell you guys but I woke up the other day & my right eye hurt Grrr . And, I mean hurt like around my eye as if someone punched me. It kept on all yesterday & today I woke up & it was worse & also kind of swollen. It's been itching too (my other eye slightly too). My work-mom thinks its allergies. I think she's right. Just a few minutes ago it started itching so I was rubbing it (bad!) & it started to really hurt so I had to make a mad dash to the bathroom to take out my contacts. Now I'm sitting here typing with my glasses on & it feels better.

It's so weird - it actually hurts under my eye - you know the skin under it? Very strange. Could be worse I suppose.

Oh & the hubby has been making do with Benedryl & Afrin instead of Allegra & Flonase to save $$ but he's building an immunity so I call the doctor to have them call in a prescription & the $ craving fuckers want him to make an appt No . What the hell? He's been using the same medication for about 5 years & every year they pull this. Ridiculous.

So, we're switching doctors. I'm going to change to a woman doctor (the same doc for us both). I'm sick of going to see the doctor & feeling like a hassle - like I'm using his precious time & I'm an inconvenience or something. Anyone else feel that way when they go? It's not cool - my eye doctor, my ob-gyn & my dentist don't give me that feeling at all. The last doctor we had we weren't happy with either. I guess we're doctor hopping. Hopefully, there aren't all kinds of nasty notes in my file like Elaine on Seinfeld!

The weekend is almost upon us. This week has been weird - it went from being in the 90's and humid to in the 60's and chilly. So strange but the 60's and chilly I can handle - it's refreshing.

Ever watch the VH1 classic videos? My God - if you want a laugh - by all means sit down for a 1/2 hour & tune in. Although, sometimes you'll get a - God I'm old - reality check - you'll also see some old & incredibly corny videos that will have you laughing your ass off (if only you could really do that - laugh your ass off - now that would be awesome!)!! There's this video on right now & they are showing this chick playing a trombone & the song has no trombone in it whatsoever! She's holding it straight up in the air & just flailing the thing allover the place like she's trying to hit a fly with it or something. Explain that to me someone .... anyone??