God-Freakin-Dammit (I'm so going to hell)
I've been a busy little bee lately. I went down to Florida over the weekend to see my sister & go to her shower. It went well but after 2 of the 4 days I remember why we can't really live together. I get so irritated by her! So quickly do I realize that I don' t miss how much she makes me feel inadequate.
I love her - don't get me wrong & she's pretty much all the family I have but jeeze - get over it with the Hand Sanitizer for Christ's sake! She stopped asking me after a while if I wanted it because I just kept saying "Nope, I'm living on the edge. None for me. I'm crazy". I mean - WTF? I'm not sure when my sister became obsessed with cleanliness but I think it was around the time she was in College. A lot of people live to be in their 80's without using Hand Sanitizer once! Amazing isn't it? Must be a lot of people living on the edge, taking their own life into their own once smooth but now wrinkled & perfectly alive hands.
Sorry, had to vent. I am glad I saw her & spent some time with her (about 2 days worth - not the full 4). And, she'd tell people how great the pregnancy was going but if I said my back was hurting all of a sudden she's all "Well at least you don't have an extra 45 pounds to carry around". So I'd ask "Oh, does your back hurt too?" & she'd say "No". Alrighty then ... Well, I guess I'm not upset then that she lives so far away. We can only handle each other for so long & then it's over.
Oh! Oh! Picture this:
We're at a fairly high-scale Chinese restaurant at the mall in WPB & I get my order of Sesame Chicken. It tastes like shit - dry with burnt sesame's & virtually no flavor. So of course I mention this to her & she says "Well, at least it's better than take out". How the hell would she know? As if where I live (which I remind you is where she was brought up) isn't good enough to have decent takeout & doesn't have any "high-scale" Chinese restaurants .... She didn't even try the Sesame Chicken on my fancy-schmancy plate & has never had Chinese take out from the Chinese restaurant near where I live (again - where she was brought up). So I said clearly "No, it tastes like crap. The take-out near me is sooo much better. This is awful" & she gave me that "You're so not good enough to hang out with me but you're my sister so I'll put up with you" look. Good times. She's just lucky she's pregnant or I would have punched her in the face (ok, not really but I'm trying to be all mean & stuff so humor me!).
Aren't ya glad I'm blogging again?!
Missed you everyone - I have to re-catch up on my blog reading. And, why the heck is there an advertisement in my comments on my last blog entry? Anyone know how to stop that?
American Chop Suey
Here I sit enjoying my American Chop Suey. It's the recipe I got off the BFL website a long time ago & I still love it! Wheat Rotini, Ground Turkey, Stewed Tomatoes & Ketchup. Couldn't be easier & couldn't be tastier! I know, I know - the ketchup parts sounds strange but trust me - it's good!
I have a party to go to tonight. I kind of don't feel like going but I know I'll have a good time so I'm going. I'll be attending with my friend/former workout buddy (who will kill me if I don't go seeing as they arranged the whole date so I could go since I'll be in FL next weekend!). I guess I'm a little obligated! It's a dual-birthday party for 2 of the mexican guys at work that I talked about a while back. It should be a fun time.
There's certainly going to be a diverse group of people there. The mexicans like to drink & word is we'll be playing beer-pong. The more conservative people I imagine will be leaving a little early or just walking around with a puzzled "What the heck kind of party IS this?" look on their faces. Regardless, it should be a good one. The only reason I kind of feel like jetting out of it is because beer=empty calories & I'm trying to watch my diet.
Well, gotta go check out everyone elses blogs. I've been slacking on my blog reading!!!
And, another day ...

For all you that wonder what Miss. Lucy looks like. Here's a picture of her. She's all cuddled up under the blanket cozy as can be. Now that blogger makes it easier to post pictures I'll probably be posting them more often. Isn't she cute??!!
Anyway, another day at home. Give me an inch ....
This mornings workout was
Back & Bi's:
Supersets (duh!):
3 sets of 12 sitting bicep curls
3 sets of 12 row machine
3 sets of 12 concentration curls
2 sets of 12 hyperextension
3 sets of 12 hammer curls
3 sets of 12 lat pull-down (wide-grip, close-grip, reverse grip)
Feels good. The legs are screaming away now. The hubby was wiped out & we laid down when we got back & I slept until 11:30! Crazy, now my legs are pissed off. I added extra glutamine into my shake this morning but that extra time in bed was a big no-no.
Did I tell you that the hubby tried tanning? Well, he started with the booth & got a slight burn. Then yesterday he did the booth again & increased his time (which he shouldn't have but he wouldn't listen to me). Now, he's really burned. Big goober. Why don't men listen to their wives? I told him to use the bed (not as strong) but <
> why would he actually listen to the wife? Mr.Pttobegirl needs a big slap on his red ass (oh, wait I already did that - couldn't resist!).
Side note: Jerry Springer is the stupidest show ever created. Why, why, why is it still on TV?
Another day
Good morning all. I'm a-playing hookie today with the hubby. He's a bad influence on me!
We went to the gym this morning. Today was legs & shoulders. Here's the run down:
Supersets (Of course! Would you expect any different?!)- 90 walking lunges with twists --that's 45 each leg with a body bar with abdominal rotations in between each lunge
- 3 sets of 15 Overhead presses (with same body bar)
- 3 sets of 15 adductors (each leg - cable machine)
- 3 sets of 15 abductors (each leg - cable machine)
- 3 sets of 12 lateral raises
- 3 sets of 12 frontal raises
- 3 sets of 15 angled calf raises
- 2 sets of l-concentric raises
I love feeling that burn! You know you've done good when you feel every muscle in your legs when you do a lunge afterwards without any weight at all! Love it!!!
Now, I just text messaged my friend (former workout buddy) to tell the boss I wont be in. I'm such an awful liar so I'm making her do it! I asked her to tell me when he goes to the 9 o'clock meeting (he gets side-tracked) so I can leave him a message. It's fun to play hookey but it sucks to have to lie. I'm so going to hell.
BTW - we've worked out the whole work-out situation. I let her know that I'm changing my routine & that it would be too much for her. I also told her that if she really wanted to do it along with me she'd have to give it 100% (including nutrition) & she just can't commit. She was at the gym this morning doing cardio upstairs. At least she's doing something. I'm sure before too long she'll want my help. She gains weight back so easy - she's already getting a pudgy belly again.
Day 1
Hi all. My puter has been bitchy lately with one of the display drivers funking out on me. I think I have it fixed now but one never knows. It did this a few weeks ago & I thought I had it fixed but it got pissy again on me this week. The damned laptop is only 2 years old so WTF?
Anyway, today was day 1 of my new schedule. I'm doing a 6 days on 1 day off (similar to that of your new workout Stacey). We'll see how it goes. I think I'll like it - it's a little hardcore but I'm excited. I'll be tossing in 4 cardio sessions per week too so I can drop down my body fat percentage. Today was Chest & Tri's & I had a great workout. My left tri's are shaking as I type right now because of the weird angle my arm is at!
I'm finally used to the creatine however I'm a little miffed as to whether or not it's making any difference since I workout at 5am & can only take it after my workout. If I take it before it'd be at 4:30 - still not good right? I read that it takes an hour before it's in your system. Any tips anyone?
Well, I've got to sign off. Things to do. Take care all :-)
Happy 4th everyone!
Note: I am a Pisces - the to enth degree. I am also an INTJ for those that have taken personality tests - I'm a very passionate person - passionate about everything - love, hate, loss. I tend to feel (or think) things more than your average person & take things to heart & analyze them every which way possible. I am a dreamer & I take action. My passions often get in the way of my decision making. Sometimes, I think things through so thoroughly that the time to take action might be gone (I get lost in the moment if you will). Other times, my actions & decisions may appear spontaneous but are still carefully thought out. All in all, I do not struggle to make decisions & those that do annoy me to no end. I do not like to appear (or be) weak. I am my own worst enemy & my own best friend - I do not need the help of others to bring me down nor to lift my spirits back up.Ok, now that you know a little more about me -- I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend!!
Mine was pretty nice with the exception of yesterday. The hubby & I decided to go on a bike ride & I bonked so bad - I had to stop going up a hill. I should have known better - leaving the house with two donuts & coffee in my stomach (my free day). My body needs fuel or it puts a stop to things (with the exception of early am workouts when it doesn't know what's going on yet!).
I was so close to throwing up that I had no choice but to stop. Then, I felt like an idiot having stopped going up a hill, knowing my husband would be an ass about it (sometimes I'd like to replace him with a compassionate, intelligent, supportive man that doesn't just look good) that I started to panic & that made it worse.
So, I'm on the side of the road - trying not to throw up & struggling to breathe (who knew - it could be hard to breathe when your trying not to throw up) & make my way out of the panic attack.
I'm a personal trainer? WTF - I felt like such a loser.
To top it off - the husband comes whipping down the hill & screams at me that he's going home. So I'm like - Fuck it! I parked my pathetic ass down on the side of the road & take a few minutes to let the nausea pass before making it on my way.
I make it down the road & onto another pretty well - only a few very minor hills. The husband comes at me (he had turned around) & verbally bashes every ounce of self esteem I have while I try to peddle my ass off to get away from him. I'm screaming at him "Shut up!" & peddling like a mad woman to get away. He is damn lucky I put up with him. I am hard enough on myself why should I have to hear his worthless words? He's telling me that it's fine for me to push people but when people push me I get all pissed off - how can I be a personal trainer when I can't even take it.
Part of me hates him. I love him to death (God knows why). But, part of me hates him.
A good friend of mine who is 25 & has Rheumatoid arthritis once told me to remember - it's not the little things that count. But, when do you draw the line? When does something little become damaging to your self or your being?
So, contrary to what you're thinking - nausea - I'm not pregnant (well, I could be but I doubt it - we tried that for a year & nothing happened). I've also started a creatine load & I think it's making me nauseas. It's listed as a side effect so I assume that's the problem.
Today, I hope will be a good day. I may go for a run just to be by myself. I'm taking this week off from the gym & will only do casual at home workouts &/or running. I know I can't do nothing physical - it's just not possible as you that workout regularly know - so I'm not going to lie about it.
Well, enough for now. I am on talking terms with the husband. He is not a communicator - I do all the work in the relationship because I'm a moron & he's a moron & everyone sucks shit! Ok, so I'm getting mad & I'm going now - for real .. Sorry about the venting.