And, another day ...

For all you that wonder what Miss. Lucy looks like. Here's a picture of her. She's all cuddled up under the blanket cozy as can be. Now that blogger makes it easier to post pictures I'll probably be posting them more often. Isn't she cute??!!
Anyway, another day at home. Give me an inch ....
This mornings workout was Back & Bi's:
Supersets (duh!):
3 sets of 12 sitting bicep curls
3 sets of 12 row machine
3 sets of 12 concentration curls
2 sets of 12 hyperextension
3 sets of 12 hammer curls
3 sets of 12 lat pull-down (wide-grip, close-grip, reverse grip)
Feels good. The legs are screaming away now. The hubby was wiped out & we laid down when we got back & I slept until 11:30! Crazy, now my legs are pissed off. I added extra glutamine into my shake this morning but that extra time in bed was a big no-no.
Did I tell you that the hubby tried tanning? Well, he started with the booth & got a slight burn. Then yesterday he did the booth again & increased his time (which he shouldn't have but he wouldn't listen to me). Now, he's really burned. Big goober. Why don't men listen to their wives? I told him to use the bed (not as strong) but <
Side note: Jerry Springer is the stupidest show ever created. Why, why, why is it still on TV?