I'm turning into one of those unhappy in their job types that complains but does nothing about it even though I have something that I truly want to do
that I could fall back on!So, why did I get my Personal Trainer Cert, start a blog called "PTtobeGirl" & sit on my ass as a Sales Administrator at a manufacturing company?
I'm so bored lately that I spend 1/2 my day emailing my coworker/friends about nothing & the other half "working". It's so unchallenging. I call out sick without a care. Will I get fired? Hmph - do I care? Hmph. It's like I'm subconsciously trying to get fired to force myself to make the career transition over to what I WANT to do. Why not just DO it? I don't understand myself. I jumped in - swam halfway & then just continued to tread water.
Should I just make the transition without worrying? I guess I would start with an advertisement in the paper & get some clients before just dumping my current job. I've already designed business cards & all the necessary forms for my clients so that's covered. I took classes in graphic design so there's no problem there.
I've been trapped in a sales job for so long. In a job that's not challenging & that bores the living shit out of me (that's a fucked up saying - anyway). I work with people I respect & with people I wouldn't trust to watch a pair of my socks. I work with people that think they are far better than others & sometimes fall into that category myself (go back to the sock-watcher).
Will I be able to support myself as a PT around here? Will I be able to find enough clients to CMA* with the bills? That's my true worry. What stinks is that it's not like I can do a trial run - since I work 8am-5pm M-F.
I only ended up having 1 paying client at the gym who has fallen off the face of the earth after taking a break. Do I shoot her an email to see what's up. I suppose I could. I hate to be pushy. Maybe I'll offer training her outside of the gym?
Decisions, decisions, decisions. What's funny is that I've always been one to just DO things but with this - I'm just fucking around doing nothing!
* Cover My Ass (One thing I learned from working in sales. The ever so lovely abbreviation & comment: "Do what you think is right. Just remember to CYA".