Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Dump the workout buddy? Help!

Yesterday's workout was great (Jaime was a no-show for the 2nd day in a row) & after work I went out with the hubby & our neighbor on a training ride Bike Riding . We pulled off 22 miles which is my longest ride. That may sound sad but it's true. It was a good ride although at times I was almost crying going up the hills. Here's the lesson folks:

A morning leg workout & a 22 mile bike ride - don't mix.

Here's what I did:

Superset #1:
60 walking lunges (30 each leg) @ 30# (2 15# dumbells)
3 sets of 8 Arnold Presses @ 15# (standing)
3 sets of 10 @ 15# Angled Calf Raises (irritated the ankle so I'm babying it a little
3 sets of 8 @ 160# Leg Press

Superset #2:
3 sets of 8 @ 10# L-Concentric Lateral Raises
2 sets of Ball Bridges (hard as shit!)
3 sets of 8 @ 7.5 # front raises

2 sets of 15 @ 20# Cable Adductor
2 sets of 15 @ 20# Cable Abductor

So, this morning my legs are killing me - lesson learned. So I didn't go to the gym (I was going to do upper body - I can mix that with HIIT tomorrow or do it tonight so I don't miss it altogether - just a schedule change) & I'm interested to see if Jaime made it there (she was claiming she'd be there a 1/2 hour early to do cardio - tee-hee). Why can't I have a good workout buddy?

Quite frankly though, I get such a better workout without her. No useless chatter, no whining = no waste of energy & time for me. She's not even eating remotely healthy. She drinks soda, eats hot dogs, hamburgers, M&M's & Monday night she even had a brownie with icecream Fat Woman 2 . Maybe I should just dump her as a workout buddy. I mean if she shows, she shows but I shouldn't bother to help her anymore. She's eating like a pig & not maintaining anything. I'm wasting my time trying to help her. What do you guys & gals think? Dump her? She'll still be my friend but really - she's starting to annoy me. I find it hard to be friends with people that aren't strong willed.

Help! I need your feedback!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Hey fat ass!

That's what they need to put on a gigantic sign so you see it right when you walk into a clothing store. I mean when you get in the dressing room & the size you picked is too small - is that not what you think anyway?

I hate fucking shopping!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Love me HIIT

I'm resorting back to some old fashioned BFL HIIT cardio & I love it! In Love

Why you ask? Because when I first started BFL there was no way in hell I could have done HIIT running on the treadmill Treadmill & now - I love it! It's so awesome to feel the progress made - so often we don't see it (just others do) so to actually feel it is incredible.

I'm going to treat it just like weights & increase my levels every 2 weeks or so to keep a constant challenge going. Obviously I'll switch to the elliptical &/or bike to keep things even more challenging & changing.

I made my workout buddy do it with me today & after pouting & complaining she was dripping in sweat (& of course complaining about it) but I know she felt good afterwards. I need to face facts - she's never going to like working out Perturbed . It sucks - I wish I could workout with someone that loves it as much as me (cardio & weights).

Ok, hold it - I know - love might be a strong word - who really loves cardio? Pretty much no-one - but we all get hooked on the competition with ourselves & that sense of accomplishment we get every time we do it. Walking away from the gym feeling like I can do anything - I love that. I wouldn't trade it for a million bucks (or would I?? No, I wouldn't. Ok, maybe - but just to buy my own gym - is that better?)

Did side lunges yesterday & just after noon today my (inner) calves started hurting & I couldn't for the life of me figure out why until I stopped, thought a minute, stood up & did a side lunge. Then I was like - OHHHH - neat. I was so hooked on doing regular lunges that I had never done side lunges (with weights) so the pain was completely baffling to me. Pretty cool. I love waking up new muscles.

The only problem is that when I have DOMS (which is well - lets be honest - like pretty darned often - I workout 3-4 days per week weights & 3-4 cardio) I stretch the muscle group. This being the inner calf muscle - is not so easy to stretch - even with my foot turned out it doesn't get a complete stretch. No prob though they'll recover just splendidly I'm sure.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What's up doc?

So, I didn't tell you guys but I woke up the other day & my right eye hurt Grrr . And, I mean hurt like around my eye as if someone punched me. It kept on all yesterday & today I woke up & it was worse & also kind of swollen. It's been itching too (my other eye slightly too). My work-mom thinks its allergies. I think she's right. Just a few minutes ago it started itching so I was rubbing it (bad!) & it started to really hurt so I had to make a mad dash to the bathroom to take out my contacts. Now I'm sitting here typing with my glasses on & it feels better.

It's so weird - it actually hurts under my eye - you know the skin under it? Very strange. Could be worse I suppose.

Oh & the hubby has been making do with Benedryl & Afrin instead of Allegra & Flonase to save $$ but he's building an immunity so I call the doctor to have them call in a prescription & the $ craving fuckers want him to make an appt No . What the hell? He's been using the same medication for about 5 years & every year they pull this. Ridiculous.

So, we're switching doctors. I'm going to change to a woman doctor (the same doc for us both). I'm sick of going to see the doctor & feeling like a hassle - like I'm using his precious time & I'm an inconvenience or something. Anyone else feel that way when they go? It's not cool - my eye doctor, my ob-gyn & my dentist don't give me that feeling at all. The last doctor we had we weren't happy with either. I guess we're doctor hopping. Hopefully, there aren't all kinds of nasty notes in my file like Elaine on Seinfeld!

The weekend is almost upon us. This week has been weird - it went from being in the 90's and humid to in the 60's and chilly. So strange but the 60's and chilly I can handle - it's refreshing.

Ever watch the VH1 classic videos? My God - if you want a laugh - by all means sit down for a 1/2 hour & tune in. Although, sometimes you'll get a - God I'm old - reality check - you'll also see some old & incredibly corny videos that will have you laughing your ass off (if only you could really do that - laugh your ass off - now that would be awesome!)!! There's this video on right now & they are showing this chick playing a trombone & the song has no trombone in it whatsoever! She's holding it straight up in the air & just flailing the thing allover the place like she's trying to hit a fly with it or something. Explain that to me someone .... anyone??

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

3 Stripes Instructor Program

Ok, so I get this Adidas catalog in the mail & I'm all - why did I get this & wow these prices are awesome! So I look through it mesmorized by the low prices & then I see on the back cover that it is a special program for fitness prof's. It's called the 3-Stripes Instructor Program. So, I need to send in a copy of my certification yada, yada, yada - I get up to 40% off some items! Yippee for me!

They don't want people to abuse it so they even ask you your sizes with the application. Now, I just have to figure out how to fill it out since they ask for the club name & director etc. which is a pain for me since I work at the gym kinda free-lance (with the owners permission) but he doesn't pay me nor I him. He just lets me use his gym & as long as my clients are members he could care less.

So I have to figure out how to fill this out & decide what I want which is sooo tough! Everything is soooo awesome. What to do, what to do.

Today's bullshit

Today was back & bi's at the gym. Got there bright & early (10 minutes late - yet on time - don't ask). I had to make some new rules though for my workout buddy:

1. No whining.
2. No more baby weights.
3. No pouting.

I'm sure she'll break all the rules on Friday but tomorrow I'm going to kick her ass during cardio so I can use it to threaten her with if she acts up - tee-hee.

Oh & I work with a bunch of freaks (workout buddy included) but I wouldn't have it any other way. What's funny is I'm talking about my friends. They make me laugh so bad - I don't know how I would work without them here!

Well, back to eating my pizza (shut up - it's healthy choice!) & enjoying my lunch break. Maybe I'll check in again later, or maybe not ....

BTW, I think I have cleavage - those chest workouts are the bomb!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Yeah, so I downloaded me some smileys

Went to a BBQ yesterday and had a splendid time. It was my free eating day but I kept it moderate with one fat infested hotdog & one greasy hamburger. Ok, and a couple/few beers too Drunk Walk . We decided to go bowling afterwards and I tried to convince them that the lowest score wins (that'd be me) but they just humored me.

Went to the gym today Weight Lifting so obviously I didn't have too many beers seeing I got up at 4:30am. Today was leg & shoulder day. Here's the drill:


60 lunges (30 each leg) @ 15# (done 20 @ a time - 10 each leg)
3 sets of calf machine raises @ 40# (wimpy I know - still babying the ankle)
3 sets of 8 @ 115# abductor machine
3 sets of 8 @ 75# adductor machine


3 sets of 8 @ 10# front to lateral raises
3 sets of 8 @ 15# overhead presses
3 sets of 8 @ 50# rear delt machine
That's it. My shoulders were feeling kind of wimpy Scrawny so next week I need to kick it up a notch. It's funny to because as I was doing my shoulder workout I noticed that I can see a lot more definition in my shoulders but yet I felt weaker. Kinda strange ...

Anywhooooo ... I'm playing hookey today along with the hubby. I decided it at the last minute. I feel rotten though fake calling in - I hate lying.

As you can see I downloaded me some smileys - annoying? I haven't decided yet. They're so damned cute & I always chuckle when other people use them. So, I got sucked in. Will it last? Maybe, maybe not.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Fucking cramps

Hi all. Sorry I've been slacking on the blogging this week.

Went to an Herb Party (not the kind you're thinking!) last night. It was for Wildtree Herbs. I bought a few different dip mixes & a "Quick & Easy Meals" mix that includes around 6 different seasonings. It was a lot of fun - a bunch of women gathered around a table with crackers, breads, fruit, cake, dips (including cheese, sourcream & chocolate) & oils (healthy ones with no trans fats, and only around 1 gram of saturated fat). It was a lot of fun. There were about 10 of us so it was quaint. Quite a haul to get there but well worth it!

Today was supposed to be beach day but it's mostly cloudy & the weather calls for isolated thunderstorms (Damn Mother Nature!) so it's just going to be tanning salon, lazy day instead.

I got my period today (thank freakin' God - I was so damned irritable I couldn't wait for it to just get here & put me & everyone around me out of their misery) so I feel like shit. Fucking cramps & there's no pain reliever in the house so I'm waiting for the hubby to get home (from his bike ride that I would have liked to go on but wasn't awake enough or well feeling enough to embark on) so I can skip out for a few to pick up some Advil & go to tanning. Sorry you men about the girl talk but hey - I'm a girl - it's what we do!

Oh & I found out (the hard way) that Aleve - that is advertised to work for 12 hours - takes 6 hours to work (poorly). So you really need to take it 6 hours in advance. What the hell good is that? Naproxen is good for nothing. Every time my back acted up in the past my (dumbass - need to switch to a decent) doctor would prescribe me that Naproxen shit & it did NOTHING. I finally told him & he prescribed me a muscle relaxer that also did NOTHING (I don't remember the name of it - not that it matters). My doctor may have well have saved me the $$ & told me to suck it up & wait it out - I would feel better eventually.

Tylenol (Acetaminophen) - also good for nothing. I might as well eat candy.

Aspirin (Bayer or whatever) - I haven't taken since I was a kid & it worked then but now?? Not so much ...

Advil (Ibuprofen) - Godsent. Love the stuff. It's all that works for me & frankly - if I could marry it - I would. Just not sure if I would have to divorce Mr.PT to be Girl first??

Ah, speak of the devil Mr.Pt to be Girl is home. Now I can head out. Yippee!!

Oops, 1 more thing b4 I go. I lost .9% bodyfat this week. Not too shabby!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

You know you've become a fitness whore when ...

  • At least 75% of your wardrobe consist of workout clothes ...
  • You look up caloric expenditure values for daily activities ...
  • You laugh & relate to others who look up caloric expenditures ...
  • Your entire day revolves around your fitness routine ...
  • You walk up those damn stairs & bite your tongue without bitching because damned - that pain feels good - you worked hard for that pain!
  • You can be seen stretching your tri's at your desk while on the phone ...
  • When you go to the bathroom you do standing pushups on the sink-counter before leaving ...
  • You admit you just did standing pushups on the sink-counter ...
  • You're proud to be a fitness whore ...
  • You keep your weight lifting gloves in the car so they're always available for the gym ...
  • You're almost ok with your husband shaving his legs (just not stubble!) ...
  • You get more excited about buying new running shoes than a new car ...
  • You must read all you can about fitness & conduct fitness & nutrition experiments on yourself ...
  • You begin to think of foods simply as "proteins", "carbs", "good fats", "bad fats", and have been known to call soda, coffee or similar "non-fuel" items "useless calories" ...
  • Your coworkers & friends say "Oh, Jacqui wont eat that" or "Jacqui, shut up & let me eat it in peace."
  • Your coworkers & friends eyes bug-out when you tell them what you did for your daily workout ...
  • Your coworkers & friends eyes bug-out when you tell them you had pizza & beer for dinner ...
  • You pay visits to the bathroom at 8 times during your work day ...
  • You've become strangely obsessed with your water consumption & grab your nalgene with a crazed look when someone offers to fill it since they are getting a glass themselves ...
  • You then say - "Yeah, you can fill mine" and consume all the remaining oz's in it whether that consist of 8 or 26 ...
  • Your friends are strangely used to this behavior and no longer consider it odd ...
  • You don't just "look" at people you analyze their muscle composition or lack there of ...
  • You feel most comfortable in yoga pants or any of your gym clothes ...
  • You have to force yourself to not wear a tank top to show off your body ...
  • You're ok with your small boobs because your muscles are way hotter ...
  • You get turned on that your husband is developing boobs (pecs) too ...
  • You find it hard to not flex at least once a day ...
  • You want an injury to heal like yesterday so you can get back to your routine with no lost time on useless injuries. What's a little pain?
  • You go to a physical therapist to have him fix you & decide his sorry ass isn't doing good enough or giving fast enough results so you just live with the pain. Again, what's a little pain?
  • You've become obsessed with "feeling the burn" and must share with others the great exercises you do to "really feel the burn" - this is classic "Mr.Pttobegirl"
  • You women out there get odd looks from the men at the gym who are utterly perplexed as to how & why you look as if you actually know what you're doing ...
  • You women out there are giving tips to those men!
  • You women out there have become a presence at the gym & the men now ask you questions ...
  • You can't not talk to a newcomer if they are doing tricep pushdowns (or a similar exercise) with bad form ...
  • You wonder if chair-dancing to old "Rage Against the Machine" tunes burns a good amount calories ...
  • You use your Omron more than your scale ...
  • You've thrown your scale out the window at least once in your lifetime ...
  • You've been known to say "Scales can not be trusted" & mean it ...
  • You get a buzz off 1 beer because you only drink like once a week if that ...
  • You make a list called "You know you've become a fitness whore when ..."
  • You contemplate whether you can wear that Under Armour shirt with your dress pants to the office or not ...
  • You turn your husband into a male fitness whore ...
  • You've seen all the episodes of "Fit TV's Housecalls" & get pissed off that they don't air new ones ...
  • Your ears perk up when someone starts talking about working out & get pissed when they give bad advice. Do you intervene??
  • You've compared the gym to your home ...
  • People have said to you "Do you ever use the machines or do you like hate them or something?"
  • You reply "I use them as a last resort."
  • You women like your sportsbras more than your wonderbras even if they do make you look flat as a board!
  • You're reading this & nodding your head in complete agreement ...
  • You make a list like this & have to force yourself to stop because you could really spend all night adding to it ...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Weights week

This week was again weights week (Tuesday-Friday).

Tuesday: Legs (after 60 lunges Jaime whined all week - gotta love her) & abs
Wednesday: Shoulders & abs
Thursday: Chest & Tri's
Friday: Back & Bi's

I did cardio most days too (10-20 minutes - just because I couldn't forgo it all together)

Next week will be 3 days of weights & at least 3 of cardio (kind of a BFL-style):

Monday: Legs & Shoulders
Tuesday: Cardio
Wednesday: Chest & Tri's
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Back & Bi's
Saturday: Cardio
Sunday: optional cardio

I find I have the ultimate results with a perfect blend of the two and best with heavy weights/low reps. This is basically something I would recommend for a client so I know it's perfect.

And ..... I noticed yesterday that my triceps are huge! Not sure when that happened but man! I was showing my hubby last night & he was like "Nice!". Of course the tanned skin helps bring out muscle definition. You can actually see & feel the different heads of my tri now - Yippee!

Am I boring the shit out of you all? Sorry, but hey - it excites me!