I'm so ghetto
I had to reschedule my interview at Bally's because I don't have enough $$ for gas. The guy was sooo nice though so I don't feel too bad. I'll be meeting with him next Tuesday @ 7PM. Wish me luck! I'm really hoping this pans out for me - really hoping.
You know - I haven't been posting my workouts at all people! You must be wondering what's going on! Well, still holding to the BFL workouts (cardio today) although, I've not been as precise with eating as I would like to be. Lately though I'm getting back at it. I'm fully capable of being strict with my diet so I have no excuse (which is why I'm getting back with it!).
I can't help but think I'm wasting away my life here in an office job - sitting on my ass all damn day only exercising my fingers to type & occasionally my arm to answer the phone. Why did I ever get into a job like this? What was I thinking - it's the job of lazy people! No wonder I had gained weight. People with office jobs don't realize how little they exercise. Now that I have added exercise & healthy eating into my life over the past year I feel so much better but I also notice a lot of obese (or just plain overweight) people around me.
Sad, and I get to listen to a true ghetto girl every day. Today she's using the time she should be working to talk about filing chapter 12 on her "ex" boyfriend (whom she claimed got her pregnant not a month ago - a tubal pregnancy even - since her tubes are "tied").
I hate liars. Why are they allowed to walk the earth among us?
- To disgust us?
- To humor us (on occasion)?
- To help us to keep our minds active by questioning everything they say?
Maybe it's God's way of preventing diseases such as alzheimers (sp?) & dementia (sp?)?
I can honestly say - no matter how bad it gets - with all the negativity I hear - I still can't help but think - it could be worse. It really could. I'm grateful for what I have (mainly my new TiVo but that's beside the point - I'm being serious here!). I'm grateful for where I am, & who I have around me (well, lets not be crazy - I'm not referring to miss ghetto girl!).
I found a fancy-schmancy link to prevent those unwanted advertising comments. For those of you that aren't sure where to get it, it's right on the dashboard but here you go straight from blogger (whoops - almost typed blooger - LOL):
"Unwanted Comments? Turn on
word verification to help prevent comment spam."
This week I called a PT studio to set an an interview - got voice mail - checked out the outside of the place & decided - nuh-uh! Shady looking. I wouldn't want to go there to work out so why would my clients. Does that sound snotty? I hope not - it really didn't look inviting!
I also got in touch with Josh @ a (semi) local Bally's & set-up an interview for this Monday after work! I'm psyched (& scared!). I assume I wear standard dressy/interview attire? Anyone? I'll have just enough time to come home & freshen up.
Today's workout will consist of - nothing! Whoo-hoo - today is spa day. 3 of my girlfriends are taking another girlfriend to a spa for her (late) birthday present (she was booked up at birthday time). We're all getting treatments & then going out to eat. Should be a blast! I'm getting a pedicure, manicure & make-up consultation! I don' t wear much makeup so it'll be fun to see what they suggest.
I hope all my fellow bloggers are doing well. I haven't been online too much lately so I'm a little out of touch.
~~ Latoo
After having chest pains (when breathing) for 4-5 days (I lost count) I finally went to the doctor. He diagnosed me with Costochondritis (see link above) & gave me a prescription for naproxen. I'm crossing my fingers this helps. He was at first concerned it might be bronchitus or pneumonia but after poking & prodding my sternum he confirmed it to be Costo. After reading WebMD's dead on description - I'm quite proud of my (otherwise crappy) doctor! I just hope the naproxen helps. It's do damned annoying - especially when I'm trying to sleep & I can't get comfortable. I was freaked out thinking it was something awful like emphysema so I'm soooo relieved! I've had the pain before but it's always gone away quickly. Cross your fingers for me that the naproxen kicks it in the ass.
I did however do the Bike Tour (Steeple Chase) Saturday as it (oddly) wasn't as painful in the forward, hunched over position required for riding a bike. After about 40 miles my husband called me to tell me he was in a bike vs. car accident! He suffered cuts & bruises & after spending a good 5 minutes convincing me he was serious he also insisted I finish & I did. His knee has been swolen since Saturday but is now going down. He's lucky he survived. An older woman completely cut him off & he had nowhere to go but into her car. His bike is quite beat up & he has filed a claim with the woman's insurance company.
So, it has been a delightfully challenging weekend but we got through. I thank God that Mr.PTtobeGirl didn't suffer more serious injuries & that what I have is treatable (although from what I read it will likely come back - which makes sense since I've had a mild case in the past without knowing what it was).
That's the scoop. I hope my boss isn't too terribly ticked off at me but I had to find out what was wrong - I just had to.
I'm going to read my Marie Claire now & relax ...
Hey there everyone & Happy Fucking Wednesday!
For those that don't give a rats ass about my love life & marriage - scroll down until you see yellow
*Rather than rehash a bunch of shit I'll just let you know that all is going well. DH & I are holding up splendidly with communication being our new forte. It's gotten so well that he brings up our daily good sharing time now! We do it every night when we get in bed before we turn the lights out & we lay face to face to talk (aw shucks).
I've also seen major improvements in him as a supportive husband. It's all very refreshing to both of us. It's amazing what a little talking & sharing of feelings can do.
Why didn't we do this sooner? Here's my theory:You know those couples that argue & swear at each other & no-one knows how they stay together? Well, we NEVER did that - we'd hold back & (mostly) he would refuse to talk about things for "fear" of saying something that'd later be regretted (well, that most certainly happened eh?). So, it all exploded & I guess by not always being vocal (I'd say both of us were at fault on this - I became more vocal the past few years but wasn't as much before) we weren't sharing our feelings nor resolving any of the issues that we had. Now, we are talking openly about the good & the bad & really listening to each other & working on any changes we need to (ex. his lack of supportiveness ---> huge improvement).
Anyway, I'm not one to dwell & I'm not usually one to share my problems with anyone so thanks so much for lending an ear (or an eye - well, two eyes I suppose - unless you're a pirate or like to wear an eye patch!) & for giving me your two cents :-)
I shall mostly be back to my normal stuff from this point on.Anyone know why I'm getting stupid advertising comments in my blog comments & how to get rid of them?FYI - I sent my resume to a (sort of) local Bally's & the main office responded that I will be hearing from a guy at the actual location for an interview! I figured it was worth a shot. If I can make good $$ doing it then I'm good - I might feel more comfortable working for someone first - who knows. Either way - I'm putting my name out there. I'll be advertising locally soon too. I'm keeping my options open.Anyone out there watch Big Brother 6? Can you believe that witch put Kaysar back on the block ?! I am so freaking mad. Everyone who was playing the "I can't believe so & so gave their word & then back out" card is now playing the "It's Big Brother - sometimes you have to lie & change your mind at the drop of a hat" card. Bunch of idiots - just start out like a lying fool - you're going to have to do it eventually anyway - come on - it's a GAME!On a side note - I went to tanning today & didn't have my normal lotion - just a small packet of extreme sizzle. Yup, I sizzled all right - I was so fucking red it wasn't funny (well, maybe funny to other people but it sure as hell wasn't fucking funny to me!) I was driving back to work (yes, I do it during lunch sometimes) & trying to avoid the sun shining on me in the car (right - not so easy - stop laughing - you try it!)On another side note: My husband & I are doing the Steeple Chase this weekend (see the link above to find out more about it. I'm doing the 50 & he & my neighbor (who annoys the piss out of me lately) are doing the 100.* For those of you that scrolled down to read the yellow & avoid my rants - Fuck off! **** Just kidding! Jeeze ya bunch of tight asses!
You are all wonderful for sharing your advice.
I so appreciate it. You're right - I am an idependant strong woman. I am not old fashioned with the exception of knowing that when you get married you're going to need to work at it - you can't just give up - or divorce rates wouldn't be so high.
I do want to note that when I said he's done it before I didn't mean calling me what he did - I meant overreacting (he's overreacted in the past). Sorry if I was unclear. In fact in our marriage & 5 year relationship before he has never called me a name. That's been a line we've never crossed out of respect for each other.
I'll fill you all in on the particulars later on today but I want to say one thing:
Men are like kids - sometimes you've just got to let them throw their tantrum & not let anything they say truly go to heart because in the end they'll learn what they did (was) wrong & want to (shockingly) talk about it!
We will be attending counseling (he even WANTS to!) but even before counseling we are now also 110% committed to talking & have both agreed to tell each other one thing each of us does each day that reinforces our love for each other (my idea - which he likes). It's so easy to take each other granted - we do NOT want to do that.
A relationship takes 2 & I fucked up too (not calling, not considering his feelings). Although my husband wasn't fully expressing himself - I didn't exactly offer up a comfortable atmosphere for him to do so. Marriage is about compromise & love. We had lost the compromise.
I will explain more later on (gotta get back to work!) but I wanted to thank you all for your help :-)
So, it looks like MrPttobegirl is overreacting again. I went running (5 miles) last night with 2 of the Mexican's at work (I don't mean mexican's in a bad way - obviously or I wouldn't go running with them!). Anway, I'm talking about 2 nice guys (that I'm not at all attracted to - just friends with) & afterwards I had a beer at the place we started at & then back at their house & got home around 9:15.
So, when I get home MrPttobegirl asks where I was so I tell him we had a beer at JDC's (the restauraunt/bar) & before I can finish he says that's not true because he drove all through the parking lot & calls me a fucking liar. So -- A. He didn't even let me finish & B. What the hell is he following me around for?
In a nutshell -this to MrPttobegirl means I am a (how did he put it?) "cheating whore" & we should get a divorce. So, I decide (again - because he's done this before) that I am not going to get offended (even though I should because that's just not nice), because he is just being ridiculous and not using his head (he has anger problems, apparently buried jealousy issues & shouldn't be taking DHEA). He proceeds to say that he's sick of my (non-existant because I respect my husband for whatever reason & I respect the word marriage) cheating & that he wants a divorce. So, I said "Fine, because if you think I would ever do that & find it ok to call me what you did then I don't want to be with you."
Is that bad? Because part of me wants to end it (& has off & on for some time) but the other part of me doesn't. I did suggest counseling (because he needs it if he thinks I'm cheating since he's blowing this WAY out of proportion) but he refuses. I want to be treated with the same respect & I want to have the support of my husband (not someone that tells me before I leave for a 5 mile run that I probably CAN'T do it because I haven't been exercising when I indeed have).
What to do ..... Any advice? I'm on the fence here.
Yeah, whatever ....
I sooo wanted to get up early this morning for a run! Well, last night anyway. When this morning hit - not so much. Looks like I'll be doing a night run instead. But, then it should be nice too. Hopefully the humidity goes down so I can get it in around 7pm or so. I don't want to go running to late since I usually hit the sack around 10pm (yes, 10pm - pathetic I know).
I slept so well last night. Oh & I emailed my old client this morning so I hope to hear back from her soon. I'll keep you all posted. I haven't heard back from the healthclubs I emailed yet which makes me think they're not dying for employees.
I'm turning into one of those unhappy in their job types that complains but does nothing about it even though I have something that I truly want to do
that I could fall back on!
So, why did I get my Personal Trainer Cert, start a blog called "PTtobeGirl" & sit on my ass as a Sales Administrator at a manufacturing company?
I'm so bored lately that I spend 1/2 my day emailing my coworker/friends about nothing & the other half "working". It's so unchallenging. I call out sick without a care. Will I get fired? Hmph - do I care? Hmph. It's like I'm subconsciously trying to get fired to force myself to make the career transition over to what I WANT to do. Why not just DO it? I don't understand myself. I jumped in - swam halfway & then just continued to tread water.
Should I just make the transition without worrying? I guess I would start with an advertisement in the paper & get some clients before just dumping my current job. I've already designed business cards & all the necessary forms for my clients so that's covered. I took classes in graphic design so there's no problem there.
I've been trapped in a sales job for so long. In a job that's not challenging & that bores the living shit out of me (that's a fucked up saying - anyway). I work with people I respect & with people I wouldn't trust to watch a pair of my socks. I work with people that think they are far better than others & sometimes fall into that category myself (go back to the sock-watcher).
Will I be able to support myself as a PT around here? Will I be able to find enough clients to CMA
* with the bills? That's my true worry. What stinks is that it's not like I can do a trial run - since I work 8am-5pm M-F.
I only ended up having 1 paying client at the gym who has fallen off the face of the earth after taking a break. Do I shoot her an email to see what's up. I suppose I could. I hate to be pushy. Maybe I'll offer training her outside of the gym?
Decisions, decisions, decisions. What's funny is that I've always been one to just DO things but with this - I'm just fucking around doing nothing!
* Cover My Ass (One thing I learned from working in sales. The ever so lovely abbreviation & comment: "Do what you think is right. Just remember to CYA".
I know you've all been dying to know ....
Did Mr.PTtobeGirl make it through the lunges & the typical 3 day pain aftermath of new lungers? The answer is no.
Ok, that would just be crazy <
> OF COURSE he made it! He thought he was going to throw up at the set of 8, 6 & 12 & then almost slapped me silly when I said - ok - now lets do a quick set of Plies (I just added those in to be evil - tee-hee!).
Sorry to keep you all in suspense so long. I wish you all could have been here to see his face & hear his grunting & groaning. It was simply priceless.
Well, it's official ...
the husband is
in love with the BFL workout. It's funny because he's been doing his own thing at the gym for so long that he was grunting & groaning like I've never heard before (well, except - you know - tee-hee). I think the shoulders killed him the most. He doesn't ordinarily spend that much time on them - which is funny because looking at him you would think he does.
Anyway, the workout was
awesome. I love the BFL pyramid style - you get such an awesome workout & so much in under an hour (although with us 2 morons trying to figure out the free weights ... ah 25 + 25 + the bar <
> oh 15 + ... it may have taken us a little or maybe a lot more time).
Tomorrow's lbwo should be awesome! I can't wait to see (or should I say hear) the hubby when we do lunges & ball squats! Plus, to watch him try to go up & down the stairs the next day will be ever so priceless!! Oh my - that sounds evil doesn't it? Well, tough shit - so I'm evil - kill me!
None the less, I can't wait. Tonight is cardio. The hubby is doing his regular Tuesday bike ride. I think I'm just going to do a little HIIT running around the neighborhood. I have only done HIIT on the treadmill so it should be interesting trying to keep my pace (which I am awful at) on the open road. Wish me luck ;-)
Great news everyone!
My husband has decided that he wants to do Body4Life. Now granted he works out & is in pretty damned good shape but he's tired of his routine & wants a change.
What better change is there?? BFL is so easy & fun - when I first started working out & was completely lost (clueless!) as to what to do I stumbled on BFL & loved it. It offered me the structure & direction I needed. I lost around 10 pounds & 8 inches & found a new way of life - healthy! Additionally, we just found out that a neighbor of ours did it & got awesome results so the hubby is pumped. He wants my help & I immediately said "Help? I'll do it
with you! I love that program!"
So, in case you can't tell I'm thrilled to death because I love BFL & actually - I pretty much still follow the eating-for-life lifestyle anyway.
We're starting tonight & I've already started monitoring my food intake. I have been slumping on the protein & carb bit so I wasn't exactly doing EFL just a basic 6 meal a day - do your best to get a protein & carb schpeel but now I will be strict!
The BFL website has been updated nicely as well. They now have a Journal spreadsheet you can download & input your information in so you don't have to buy the actual Journal at the store! There's a TFL & EFL spreadsheet. Excellent - guess who's already downloaded & filled hers in? Yup, that'd be me - now stop laughing at me!
Well, I am off. This morning went pretty fast.