That's me at the gym - on the tread mill! Or at least that's how I felt! My God - it's been too long. My body was a-screamin' I tell you. I did my cardio but not like I used to. I had to take it easy & we got there late so I couldn't get in my full time which was kind of stinky (but shhh! I'm sort of glad!).
It was great to see the usual gym crew. Ok so it only consists of two guys shut up - the gym crew that early in the morning is small - we live in a small town & it's 4:30 in the morning - not the smartest people are up - I wont say that too loud - both those guys are cops! Oh, wait - actually the two girls that go running outside in the warm weather & do weights & are usually just about done when we get there were there too plus some new dude. Anyway, it's so nice to be back to it & I'm starting to be feeling like myself again.
Tonight I'm going out to eat & christmas shopping with some friends from work. The funny thing is that we're all pretty much broke so we're mostly just going out to eat & then nosing around the Christmas Tree Schoppe store & then maybe browsing around the mall for ideas for next week/the balance of christmas shopping. It should be fun. We all enjoy each others company so we'll have a good time.
Gym Rat
Back to the old gym rat routine.
Can you tell I'm feeling better? I haven't posted this in a while. Why you ask? Oh, I shall tell you why! Because I haven't even been to the gym in God knows how long. No worries. I'm not turning into a tub of lard. Oh what you must be picturing! Maybe a little "skinny fat" but nothing to freak about. I can still be caught doing standing pushups before leaving the bathroom at work & butt-squeezes in the shower like any other fitness freak. And, I do have a home-gym anyway so it's not like I can't work-out - no excuses here! I do however prefer my key-gym membership (which I now have again - WHOOT-WHOOT!). Anyway, lets pray this mood-stabilizer I'm on now continues to kick this depression in the ass & keeps me out of the worst funk I've ever experienced!
Exercising always makes me feel great though once I get into it so I'm good to go here.
---> Anywhoo --- We both (the hubby & I) did Back & Bi's this am. I did the following:
Supersets: (chah!)
Bicep Curls: 3 sets of 10
Hyperextensions: 3 sets of 10
Hammer Curls: 3 sets of 10
Lat Pull downs: 3 sets of 10
Body-Bar Curls: 3 sets of 10
Row Machine: 3 sets of 10
Tomorrows mission:Cardio -- I'm aiming for running depending on machine availability.
Change of plan
We're not hitting church today. I know, I know. I said we were. Next week. I'm going to look into CCD classes at the local church so I feel more comfortable when we go. I got up kind of late and we're both feeling kind of freaked out about being around a lot of people. It's really kind of foolish when you think about it since we're really only there for two people - ourselves & God.
Let him in
I'm looking forward to tonight. My dh & I are going to LaSalette's (I'm pretty sure I'm spelling that wrong). It's a Catholic (duh!) place - well a shrine I guess. Anyway - they light it all up during the Xmas holiday & it's supposed to be absolutely beautiful. He comes from a Catholic family (he was an alter boy!) & his mom used to take him (& his sibs) there as a child so he wants to take me there (how sweet). I am really looking forward to it. He found it to be a very spiritual experience & is sure I will as well so we both think it will be very good for both of us (mainly me right now!!).
There is a gift shoppe as well & I want to purchase a tiny gold cross. Apparently they even serve hot cocoa. We're hoping to get dinner at the same restaurant that his mother used to take him & his siblings to for memories sake - he's racking his brain trying to remember the name - LOL! He's probably going to end up calling her. They aren't on the best of terms but they are kind of talking lately so we'll see ... Anyway, we went online & got directions.
I'm not the most (obvious) religious person & my husband isn't exactly a devout catholic (far from it). My relationship with God is mine & mine alone. I am very spiritual - people just don't know it. I know that God respects that (as I do him). I don't need to advertise my relationship with him. But, I will say that not going to church is not helping & I do need to start going. We have been talking about going to church for like MONTHS! We are going tomorrow (for real) & I hope to start going regularly. I may start going to ccd.
Happy Late Turkey Day!
My hubby & I & our pets enjoyed a nice Turkey Day.
I hope everyone out there enjoyed theirs as well :-)
My coworkers
I swear are going to drive me insane with their ramblings about nothing.
There is a new lady in the department on the other side of the wall & with ghetto girl over there flapping her gums a mile a minute about her baby's daddy the nice new lady must think we're all from the wrong side of the tracks. I give her a month before she quits. She seems real sweet too. Poor thing. She has no idea what she's getting herself into.
And, apparently if you don't have an engineering degree you're worth nothing around here. They wont tell you that of course - you have to figure it out on your own. Well, I've figured it out boss & I'll tell you what you can do with that engineering degree that you have. You can still it up your ass sideways. You can ram it up your ass sideways so hard that it makes your disgusting
too wide for a guy that skinny ass bleed! In fact - please do that - please! And, do it so hard that it makes your
eyes bleed too! Because that engineering degree & your
bleeding ass & your
bleeding eyes just make you that much better than me - no really they do - no really - no really - no really .... Fuck off!
Wow - that feels so much better! I love blogs.
New medication whoas
suck I tell you! I am on topamax for BP-II & I am drowsy as all heck this morning. It's a slow starter & today I am on round two of increasing to 50mg's 2 x's a day. Not to mention that I'm manic right now so I can't sleep right nights so I'm exhausted already.
I thought I was more myself & that the med was helping me until I had an episode this morning. I hate feeling like this. I hope this medication works. I have to remember that I have to tough it out & stick with it or I will never know if it will truly work.
I see so many people with such easy lives that they just breeze through. Why must mine be such a test? Why do I always have to prove myself? Why does God want me to work so much harder than everyone else?
Committee this, committee that ...
Today was CPR/First Aid refresher day at work. The first 1/2 of the day (well 9-12:20ish). We just finished & yes yours truly passed with 100's on all portions of the test. Unfortunately, our First Response team has dwindled down to only 6 people! That's not a whole heck of a lot in a facility that employs 150 people.
I was supposed to go with the Event's Committee to take measurements for decorations in preparation for our Christmas event here at the office too but couldn't make it because the test went into lunch :-( I was looking forward to it too.
In case you're wondering, I'm part of the Event's Committee, First Response Team & also the Health Insurance Committee. People just don't get involved like they used to & I'm trying to make a difference. It's a small start - but it's something.
Oh well, off to lunch!
Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day for a fall run & some raking! We have soooo many trees in our yard & it always gets covered with leaves when the wind blows. We're using a new tactic this year & have waited until quite a few fell otherwise we end up raking like 5 weekends in a row. I've got to say though - I love raking (sans the blisters I always get no matter what pair of gloves I wear). I love the sound of raking.

Lucy is eating the cats food again. It's really driving me up a wall. She'll have a perfectly good (full) bowl of food in the kitchen but she has to eat the cat food! Then we run out of cat food & I have to go out & get some. We yell at her time & time again & she d

oes it time & time again! ARGH! And, of course when I'm yelling at her she has to make the craziest face:
Doesn't it just makes you melt. Well, I do & I feel awful yelling at her that I end up caving in & giving her hugs. I'm going to be such a sucker when we have kids! But come on - look at that face, just look at it & tell me you wouldn't do the same ...
Well, I've got to jet - I have a craving for a new purse so I'm going to hit TJ Maxx plus, I need a new flat iron - mine choked & I feel like I have bouffont hair lately. I'm so used to straightening it - I at least need the option not to.
Ok, one more of Miss. Lucy-Loo:
You likey?
The change is complete. I hope you like the new theme & name.
Let me know what you think!
Update: Pooksy-bear does indeed have a UTI. The vet was concerned that it might have been diabetes but the pee test confirmed it's just a UTI (not that it doesn't still hurt my poor baby). He is on Clavomax & takes pills so well! He's already feeling better & on his way to recovery :-)
Oh & everyone at the Vets thinks he just oh-so-handome!
---> You will soon notice a change in my blog name. The change is coming because I have decided not to pursue a career as a Personal Trainer. Why you ask? Well, because everyone around here would rather be fat & lazy & therefore I can not live soley on training clients alone. It's sad, but true. I will continue to be a fitness enthusiast & help others if they ask but it's time I look for a stable career change ...
After a lot of thought I have decided to pursue a life dream of mine:
I have registered to take the written exam as part of the first step towards becoming a Police Officer. Yuppers, you heard me (or read me) right. Early on in my marriage I asked my husband his thoughts about it & he seemed too concerned that I would get hurt. Well, I brought it up again (damned CSI put a bug up my ass & made me want to - jeeze that sounds painful - I didn't really have a bug up my ass - thank God) & we talked about it & he's all for it. I'm psyched!
I found the LEC website that holds the exams & it nicely laid out the process for me. I take the first exam (no knowledge of the job is required for the first exam), they send out my test scores to the stations I've checked off, the stations then decide if they want to see me, have me go down & interview, take some tests etc & then if they hire me they pay me to go to the Police Academy (for 15-17 weeks with weekends to come home).
I'm excited & I really hope this works out!
My poor cat

<----- Mr. Pooks (Spooky) (Aka. Mommy's little angel) I think he has a urinary tract infection for something. He was pretty listless for a couple days & now he is more up & about but he is peeing like it's going out of style. He is even losing control of his pee. He's been trying to hang out with me & my DH but I caught him upstairs on our bed laying in his own pee! I had to take off the sheet & the feather bed (lucky - he didn't get it on the mattress itself) & kick him out. This morning his whole left hind leg was wet with pee & he just came to try to lay with me & his whole underside is covered! I feel so awful, I'm calling the vet in a few minutes (I stayed home from work but I have to wait for them to open) to get him in. My poor little angel - he NEVER gets sick so this is a shocker for me. I'm debating on whether or not to give him a bath so he's not embarrassed at the vet & doesn't feel all icky because I'm sure he's uncomfortable as it is. My poor baby, think good thoughts for him!
** UPDATE: I got an appt for 1:30 this afternoon. I didn't realize until now that he even peed on our recliner. I can't very well be mad at him. I hope what's wrong with him is treatable. He's never been sick (he's 5 years old).
Bad Blogger!
I know, I know - I'm a bad Blog updater as of late. My apologies. I haven't even been checking out anyone elses blogs. Bad Blogger!
I did so many pushups & squats the other day that I was feeling it with early DOMS. I guess that's kind of a contradiction huh? Well, usually with me DOMS sets in at just around 24 hours but I was feeling it before then. No problem though - it's just a sign that I'm working my muscles & you can't beat that!
Things are going ok lately. My doctor told me he is worried about my mood swings & not so much my depression & he would like me to go on Topomax again. I was all for it but I can't afford it now because DH wanted to get his new/old truck on the road for the winter and we had to pay our taxes (we're awful about paying them on time - I mean awful!). It turned out that we have almost the heaviest truck you can have & had to pay just shy of the max amount to register the darned thing. So with the taxes we're out about $1,000. ARGH! We've both agreed to post the tax bills on the fridge to keep ourselves in line & on time with them from now on.
We've also decided to make a better effort at getting pregnant. My doctor is aware of it too & said that I'll probably find that the extra hormone activity & changes will help with my mood swings & I'll enjoy some even moods & enjoy being pregnant. How odd but yet - fabulous!
We've been kind of trying for over a year but we were only serious for about 6 months & then after getting totally frustrated & depressed when nothing happened we've just had fun & not been careful (no protection). We really need to have our bills in line if we're going to be parents so we're trying to get ahold of things. After trying for so long I'm a firm believer in knowing that the choice isn't mine - it's God's & he's not going to give us something we can't handle. So, with his help - it's up to us to get ready so he can bless us with a family. And, today I have cramps (odd) so maybe it's a good sign! Who knows ... :-)
I totally bought the wrong Black Eyed Peas CD - I picked up Elaphunk - oops - I wanted the new one for my hubby because he likes "Don't Lie" & a few other songs & so do I. I apparently wasn't paying attention ... Oh well, C'est la vie.