The Evil Ice Cream stand
Went for a nice bike-ride yesterday with the husband. We started at home and road to see my mom (at the cemetery) and then circled back.
We were ATTACKED by an invisible force wanting us to get a banana-split that we split (that sounds funny - I like saying that) on the way back. Craziest thing you ever saw, we were riding along, road by the restaurant that now has a take-out window that offers burgers, fries, ice-cream and such when this invisible force got into my husbands head and he lost complete control of his senses. Loudly he screams to me as he is peddling AWAY from me TOWARDS the ice-cream stand "I'm going to get ice-cream!" I didn't believe him so I proceeded to peddle away from the stand.
Then out of nowhere the force got ahold of me & I thought - is he behind me or was he serious because ice-cream sounds tasty! I turn around and he's gone. With my rational mind also gone I think to myself - well, if he's doing it so am I. We proceed to order a banana split to split (tee-hee - had to say it again) and a root beer.
It was soooooo incredibly good. In the future, I promise to stay away from the evil invisible ice-cream stand force or only go in the vicinity with my protective shield next time! I swear! I do!
Enough about ice-cream. Tonight we're going to get Chinese food with my husband's cousin & his wife (well, I guess that makes him my cousin too). They have come up from Orlando & he's Mr.PTtobegirl's favorite cousin.
The hubby & I went to the gym today together late this morning. It was nice to workout together (we don't anymore since I workout with Jaime & he works out with his boss).
I did chest, shoulders & back. Chest & Shoulders - not good to do together (at least with chest first because your shoulders assist ... yada, yada, yada - I'm a dumb ass & should have known this).
3 sets of 8 @ 65# - Bench Press (I know - my chest is weak - I'm a GIRL!)
3 sets of 8 @ 15# - Chest Press
3 sets of 8 @ 15# - Flyes
3 sets of 8 @ 10# - Incline Chest Press
Shoulders:3 sets of 8 @ 10# - Lateral Raises
3 sets of 8 @ 7.5# - Front Raises
3 sets of 8 @ 10# - L-Lateral Raises
3 sets of 8 @ 37.5# - Overhead Press Machine
Back:3 sets of 8 @ 50# - Row Machine
3 sets of 8 @ 50# - Lat Pull Down (I will increase this to 62.5# next time)
My lower back is a little sore from yesterday's ride & frantic house clean for today's guests. I spent too long bent over scrubbing the tub. Yeah, I don't know why because there is pretty much NO chance that they are taking a bath or shower & I highly doubt they are even interested in looking at the tub. What can I say? I got a little carried away. When the cleaning bug bites me it bites hard. Don't ask why - I don't ordinarily have a cleaning bone in my body - besides - cleaning (& cooking) is the husbands job & mine is well trained! I however was being helpful yesterday. Don't worry, I'm sure it wont happen again for a very long time!
Well, that covers it for now. Oh I tossed some blonde highlights in my hair. The dark brown has lightened severely with my new tanning obsession so I figured I'd help it along. It came out really nice. Now, I can't color it for a while though - to give it a break.
I'll stop boring you now. I'm really not a boring person, but I think I blog pretty dull. It's odd considering I can write my ass off, that I use this blog to bore people beyond what I ever thought was possible. Sorry guys! Now wake up!
The day and shit. Why do I do these title things?
Here I am bright and early typing away on my blog. I got a great night's sleep last night (without any sleep aid) so I'm very happy :-)
Woke up with serious DOMS so working the shoulders today was out of the question. I don't know why I was thinking it was going to happen - breaking up UBWO's and expecting to work arms 2 days in a row - former blonde bimbo moment? No biggie - I'm always changing my "plans" anyway - which defeats the purpose of having plans to begin with. This is why I pretty much make the "plans" in my head. I guess I'll always just be the wing it type. I'll have to change my blog name to "Wing-it-Girl"! Hey, whatever works right? And, winging it works for me.
Anywhoooo, I got off track there (early morning babble syndrome). Woke up, felt the DOMS, said to hubby "I'm just going to do cardio today. I can't workout my arms today. What was I thinking?"
So, being "Wing-it-Girl" guess what I did?
Changed my mind, yup - of course!
Why?? Because I can - ha!
I decided to run a mile (1.25 total with cool-down/warm-up) and then finish my leg workout.
So here's what I did:
1.25 on treadmill (.25 consisting of warm-up/cool-down and the balance running @ 6.3-7mph)
3 sets of 10 @ 20 #'s - lunges (10 each leg, 10 pound dumbbell each hand)
2 sets of 10 @ 10 #'s (rt leg) 7.5 #'s (lt leg) - 1 leg calf raises on stair
3 planks @ 20 seconds (yes, weenie time - I was showing the guys how to do them)
I did less weight on my left calf so as to not pull or put too much stress on my still healing ankle.
I can already feel my legs! I haven't done lunges in like ages and frankly the majority of working them has been running and other cardio with only minimal weight/resistance training. This is like a new thing for them - sparking some excitement among my muscles. My muscles are saying "Hey - WTF is going on here? We haven't done this in a while. Whooa."
Anyway, I'm loving it though! I may keep this as my new routine (quick cardio then weight training) in the mornings. But ... we all know with "Wing-it-Girl" there is at least a 85% chance I'll change my mind ....
Just saw another one of those
miracle weight loss supplement commercials. You know the old "don't diet or exercise just take this pill and lose
more weight than you would if you did diet and exercise". Yup, well - as the guy is telling us about this nonsense the fine print says "Use in conjunction with any diet and exercise program". In other words - he's telling us "what we want to hear" but then covering his ass by putting the note on there basically saying "Oh, well - actually, I'm lying."
I'm so sick of these nonsense diet pills. And, people get suckered into them! It's awful. My favorite is the one that removes "stubborn belly fat". You can't spot reduce - especially with a pill! You don't see me chowing on a hamburger (seriously you don't but..) and telling it "Just go to my boobs ok? I don't the fat going to my ass this time."
Well, this morning (after a great sleep thanks to finally giving in and taking my homeopathic sleep aid I bought a few years back) I hit the gym and worked my bi's and tri's and some bonus legs just 'cause (I had time). Here's what I did for those that don't get bored to death:
All Supersets (bi's, tri's, bi's, tri's etc... you know me!):
Bicep superset with Tricep:
3 sets of 8 @ 10#'s - Bicep Curls
3 sets of 8 @ 15#'s - Tricep Extensions
3 sets of 8 @ 10#'s - Hammer Curls
3 sets of 8 @ 10#'s - Lying Tricep Extensions
3 sets of 6 @ 25#s - Bicep Curl Machine
3 sets of 8 @ 40#'s - Tricep Pushdowns (Cable Machine)
1 set of 8 Bench Dips
Just Playing:
Legs:3 sets of 8 @ 140#'s - Leg Press
1 set of 10 @ 10#'s - Lunges
Abs:2 sets of 10 - Roman Chair Bent Knee Lift
1 set of 4 - Roman Chair Side Bent Knee Lift
That covers the workout. Tomorrow is Shoulders and Legs (for real). My workout buddy was MIA today because she has a nasty-ass cold/allergy thing going on. She was the epitome of nasal yesterday.
I did help out the cop I was talking about that was at the relay today with his form on Tricep Pushdowns - he was all hunched over an forcing the weight. We chatted a bit. He's a very nice guy. He's already lost 67#'s on his own. Isn't that awesome?!
Oh & I'm helping a girlfriend at work gain muscle. She was diagnosed with Rheumetoid (sp?) Arthritus 2 years ago and has lost 12 pounds - she's gone from a size 10 to a size 4 and wants to build some muscle because a lot of what she lost was muscle. I prescribed her workout and last night was her first shot. I'll see today how it went. And, obviously - I'm not charging her - I just wouldn't feel right about it - she's a friend! Plus, I feel bad charging my client at the gym for Heaven's sake :-)
Well, I have to take out Lucy to do her business and then get off to work.
Take care everyone!
Here it is Sunday - back to the grind tomorrow :-(
I participated in the Relay for Life walk yesterday and walked a few hours. It was my first time (I have wanted to do it for years) and I must say that I am so glad I did it. The only thing I'll probably change next year is being on my own team rather than my disorganized work team. There were no set hours and I don't know if we had someone on the track at all hours like you should. Or maybe I could just impose more organization on the existing team members.
I was talking to one of the team members (one that doesn't want to shut up - God bless him) and his son is a Cancer Survivor. He was telling me that when his son meets another Survivor they bond instantly. He also told me about another Survivor that he knows that keeps the medal she gets every year at the Relay (as a Survivor) because they mean so much to her. She loves the Relay and getting the medal each year means the world to her. He told me that his son does the same exact thing - he puts them on his bedroom door and they clank every time you open/close it. It's a reminder for them of what they went through and I'm sure a reminder of much more that I could never know.
He also filled me in on the former Chairwoman's background. She is a Cancer Survivor as well (from 20 years ago when we didn't even have what we have today). When she started doing the Relay (- she brought the NECT chapter up to the top in the US) she would walk the entire 24 hours herself save for maybe 2 hours to go home to shower and change. She took it very seriously. Her motivation and drive built the NECT chapter - because it was what she felt she HAD to do. This was her first year after she stepped down and she made a speech saying that she felt "like a fish out of water".
It just goes to show how much us "average Jane's" take life for granted. These Cancer Survivors are greatful for every year that they get to live. And, here I am upset that tomorrow is coming because it's Monday.
How can we live life greatful each day? What can we learn from these Survivor's?
I also learned that the police officer that runs with us every day at the gym is apparently a Cancer Survivor! I had no idea. It makes sense - he told me that running is "new to him". How incredible. He was walking with the "Newfs for Life" team. It's a team that walks with their Newfoundland dogs. Some even pull carts with memorials in them. It's terrific to watch. They had to go through tons of red tape to get approved by the ACS to walk w/the dogs. Now they are a favorite there. Those dogs are beautiful. They look like bears - I wanted to hug every single one of them. Thinking back I'm pretty sure they are the team that held the "Dog Wash" a while back that we brought Lucy to. The team owned Newfs and there were quite a few there. They were all in love with Lucy because she was soooo small to them. It was quite humerous.
And, when I was walking it was like some force driving me - I couldn't stop - I kept saying - "one more lap" and then kept walking and walking and walking until my legs and ankle were ready to give. Then I rested and did it again. Today, I'm paying for it - my back hurts and my ankle is swolen. I take my back for granted and I shouldn't.
I guess I wont be doing back tomorrow at the gym! I'm doing only weights this week. I'm trying it for a few weeks to see what happens. I'm in such a plateau it's making me crazy - I need to shock my system. The fat burning cardio idea didn't work - I may however mix that in with the weight training. I had been too involved in the cardio - and was slacking on the weights (against my better judgement) so now I have to refocus. Since I love weight training I'm pretty psyched!
Well, enough for now. I have to put together a revamped workout for my client and a new one entirely for a client/friend at work that has Rheumatoid Arthritus.
Mr.PTtobegirl and I planted some Hostas for my mom today (2 in front of her stone to the sides so I can plant her flowers later in the middle). It's going to look nice. I still can't believe she's gone. Someone left her flowers - I wish I knew who.
Take care everyone and be thankful for your health, happiness, strength, love (for and from others) and the ability to enjoy another day.
What's going on .........
Hi all. Sorry, I've been kinda MIA for a few days here. Everything's going fine. Still hitting the gym @ 5 for cardio. Nothing too exciting going on.
The past few weeks have been birthday after birthday at the office which means cake after cake but I'm holding up. I allow myself a small piece to be polite and I enjoy it. I don't go back for 2nds like some people and since I eat so healthy I cut myself some slack. Hopefully there aren't anymore for a while though because I'll have to hold back pretty soon and start saying "No, thank you".
I got sucked into the Brittany/Kevin reality show premier last night (I'm a reality TV whore so it doesn't take much). Anyway - what a freak she is. The girl has some serious issues but then maybe I'm just not used to someone as immature as her at her age. And, with all her talk about "getting laid" and "favorite sex positions" it sure seems to me that "Miss I didn't have sex until the end of the relationship with Justin" is a big fat (ugly without makeup) liar! I think she's going to be losing a lot of fans with this show. And, back to the makeup thing - it really is amazing what those Hollywood makeup artists can do huh? Well, enough Brittany bashing :-)
And, today I thought I'd finally try to wear heals right - well guess who's ankle hurts all of a sudden? It's like it plans it or something - now I have to find new shoes or just deal with the pain. How annoying. I need to get the flexibility back!
Well, off to work.
The Race
Well, I did my first 5K this morning and I feel great :0
My time was around
33.4 minutes although I have to wait for them to post my exact time. My goal was to finish it under 40 minutes (which I surely did!) so I'm happy. I should have allowed myself more rest days prior to running (only allowed 1) but at least now I know. I was playing leap frog with a young girl for the last 1/2 of the race. I would pass her and then she would pass me and so on. Near the end I figured I'd challange her and haul ass. Well, she heard me/saw me and hauled ass herself to come in just ahead of me. It was great. There were people outside the stores downtown cheering us on and people outside there houses as well.
After I finished I hung around the finish line and cheered on some of the later finishers (thinking - wow I wasn't last!). There was one lady heading to the finish (face red as can be) and her hubby or friend ran with her to motivate her too finish - it was very touching. I was so proud of her. It was very emotional. My hubby video taped it the start and finish too so it was pretty cool. I'm so glad I did this. And, now I have a goal time to beat next time. I'm going to start some Fartlek training this week.
Sidenote: I finally found out how to put my picture on here - see it!?
Well, toodles. Time to eat supper :-)
The plan
Well, Mr. Sandman did find me in case you're wondering and in fact I slept so well the other night I almost convinced myself it was ok to keep sleeping and not go to the gym. Don't worry though - I didn't give in!
We have been jogging the river trail in the morning instead of the treadmill to better prepare me for my 5K on Saturday. We sign in first and then sign out to see our time. We've not been doing very good for time though because we are including our warm-up and cool-down time. We're doing 2.6 miles in 40 minutes - not very good at all really. We do a lot of walking though because Jaime is new to it and gets winded and/or gets those annoying cramps (you know the ones I mean - under your rib cage). What I need to remember is that I'm changing my workouts to be less intense and more in my fat burning zone.
It's great to be out in the fresh air early in the morning though I must say. I am loving it. Tomorrow however, will be the gym - treadmill at 15% incline 4mph for a 1/2 hour or so (not including warm-up/cool-down).
I want my legs to be in tip-top shape for the run (which I'm told will possibly be in the rain). I don't want to run with cement legs and I don't want to have to walk at all if I can avoid it. My gastrocnemius (calves) and anterior tibialis muscles detest when I run consecutive days (like I've been doing). I'll be warming up at home ahead of time and will soak in the tub tomorrow night in hopes of further soothing my muscles with heat. I imagine that by Saturday I'll be just swell and ready for the run. I am however
SO NERVOUS! Excited - but NERVOUS!
Wish me luck :-)
Mr. Sandman? Are you there?
I couldn't sleep worth a shit last night. Kept tossing and turning and cursing that I couldn't sleep. The husband (who is lucky he's still alive this morning) was snoring like the world was going to end! I don't know what was wrong with me.
It's 1 of 2 things:
1. PMS = insomnia (I'm pretty sure this happened last month)
2. Anxiety about the vacation ending and the workweek beginning
Either way - with only maybe 2-3 tops hours of sleep I would have been worthless at the gym so I tried to get a few more hours sleep (with no good result). I should've just gone and had a worthless workout - at least it would have been a workout!
So, tomorrow is back to normal (with sleep I hope!). I let Jaime in on the new w/o plan and she wants to do it but wants to run too (I've created a monster! Just kidding - I'm psyched she's enthusiastic - she wasn't before - progress!!!) sooo ... looks like we'll soon be changing our gym arrival time to 4:30 am instead of 5 so we can get in extra cardio time. I'm really glad too because I want to do running as supplemental to the regular fat burning cardio so to get to the gym earlier will work just peachy. I'll be doing regular road runs too though for the fresh air and the feel of the road rather than the treadmill.
Fabulous! Frankly, I'm psyched to change my workout around. Silly how when a few years ago I wouldn't possibly have been excited about exercise & now I am :-)
And, I am registering for my first 5K in town. Did I already post that? Well, it's this weekend - talk about crunch time. When I told Jaime her eyes bugged out. She thinks I'm crazy - I think it's funny!
And, I did the 10 minute tanning bed (more powerful than the 20 minute bed) today (8 minutes) and didn't get burned. My tanning obsession is growing! A friend at work said "Wow - you look tan - where'd you go for vacation?" I laughed and said "a tanning salon!". He already knows I'm a nutball so he wasn't surprised.
Enough for now.
Remember, life is what you make it. You (alone) have the power to change. Although, family and friends helping and supporting certainly helps matters!!
A Blank Page
A dream ... or a nightmare to the writer with writer's block?
-- J. DuBois (yup, that's me)
must ... have .... structure ...
Well, I must say vacations offer me too much freedom. I like my structure because it keeps me in check. Working out every morning before work offers me extreme structure and without working for the week I am a disaster. I missed yesterday's leg workout all together and only did a few sets of standing pushups during the day (force of habit - when I'm bored and near a counter).
I did however get back on track and just did my at home
leg workout as follows:
Obviously each set includes both legs (15 for each leg)
3 sets of 15 Hip Extensions
3 sets of 15 Pendulums
3 sets of 15 crossovers
Bonus for my tummy:
2 30 second planks
1 45 second plank
Bonus for my chest/shoulders:
2 sets of 15 standing pushups
Cardio? Nope, not today.
Today has been a Day of Contemplation.After much though I realize that I have to concentrate on doing fat-burning cardio not all out running cardio (that sucks!) and I have to ramp it up (burn more calories). Here's what I mean:
I've been training at about 85-95% MHR but in order to burn more fat I (oddly) need to slow down and train at more like 65-75% MHR. I've trained at different levels and can see that my body burns fat more effectively at the lower spectrum of my MHR. I have to listen to my body. Running will be an extra (only) from now on - supplemental if you will.
Brownie Points: The high MHR training has been very informative and good for my body! I have significantly increased my lung capacity and lowered my resting heart rate. My breathing was my weak point when I first starting working out (cardio) and is now a strong point.
The New Plan: I'm going to start with brief warm-ups (as usual) on the treadmill and then I'm going to either move to the elliptical machine or do 15% incline @ 4mph on the TM for at least a good 1/2 hour for the next 2 weeks and see how it feels. I will monitor my body fat (with my new Omron whoot-whoot!) at the end of each week to see if there are any changes. Every week may be too often for monitoring so every 2 weeks will suffice as well. If I so desire - I may continue with this routine or tweak it ever so slightly. I don't want my body to get used to routine so I plan to change it at least monthly. Running as supplemental cardio will help to burn extra calories as well as continue to maintain good cardiovascular health.
The Downside (or Upside?): Jaime is going to hate me for this because she detests the elliptical. I've been babying her too long though and she needs to step up and work hard. She underestimates herself and although I've helped her to see some of what she can do I need to show her that she can do so much more. I'll get her to love fitness if it kills me in the process!!! Tee-hee :-)
That about covers today. I'll continue to update my blog and bore you all to pieces :0
Oh happy day!
Ok, not really. I just thought I'd give it a try - being all perky & happy first thing in the morning.
I would have slept a little later however Lucy (my alarm beagle) noticed me turn over and immediatly following were several paw swipes (all mistaken I'm sure). She kept "rolling over" and "stretching" and kept wacking me each time. The dog is so smart that she's stupid. So, I rolled over (put my back to her), pretended I didn't have a clue and was still sleeping. I could tell she was perplexed so I turned back over laughed and we got up.
Now, I am sitting her drinking my coffee (Folgers - yuck - ran out of Dunkin's but such is life). I just paid my electric bill online. Today I have to go may a key copy for the hubby, pay taxes for hubby, go tanning (for me!). So why the key you ask? We need another gym key because the owner never called me back and although we've been paying for both Mrpttobegirl and I - only I have the key - major pain - trust me. I'm constantly paranoid he is going to lose it (he loses
I will be contacting Nike today because the $100 Shocks I bought (on sale for $80) have been giving my feet blisters no matter the type of sock I wear and I've given them about a month to "break in". I love the look but my feet are screaming at me!
It looks and feels like it's actually going to be warm today. Thank God because I sooo wanted warm weather for my vacation and all I've gotten is ASS. Well, it's been ok - but too cold if you ask me. Good running weather but that's about it. I want tank-top weather!!!
Ok, so I have to go to the bathroom now so b-bye! Aren't you glad I share so much?
Oh Mr. Tanita ....
According to my piece of crap Tanita scale I have managed to drop 1% in body fat.
Now, I know that Mr.Tanita scale is generally full of shit. I know that Mr.Tanita may just be braindamaged from being viciously thrown out the window by a certain PTtobegirl. And I know - Mr. Tanita may have been resurrected after certain death and a brief dance in scale heaven so it may not be accurate (not that it ever was anyway). And believe you me (what kind of saying is that? anyway) I was sooo not the one that saved Mr. Tanita - that can only be blamed on Mr.PTtobegirl.
However, after much deliberation (about 1/2 a second) I have decided (against my better judgement) to believe it this one time. Why? Because I damned well want to that's why. It makes me feel better gosh-darnit! If I can obtain a warm fuzzy from that piece of shit scale 1 time in all the years I've owned it - I'm soooooo gonna do it! Yup, 1%.
Besides, I get my Omron Body Fat Analyzer on Friday so humph Mr.Tanita! I shall only use you for your brief moments when you shout out how fat I am without knowing the specifics and only make judgements by pure weight alone! Mr. Tanita - such a small and useless little being.
I've gone crazy haven't I? Ah, who cares - it feels sooo good!
Today's exercise:I ventured out again today to hit the river trail and my previous mile calculations were wrong - it is actually 2 miles one way from my starting point of the gym (well, actually - a smidge more). Soooo ... what this means is that I am truely doing
5 miles (with some warm-up & cool down walking - totaling probably around .6 miles walking and the rest running) as opposed to the 4 miles I previously suspected and calculated with my car. It's funny how off my car was but with all the twists and turns of the trail and me just following it along in the car - I guess it makes sense. Plus, I went onto the town website to confirm.
I also plan to hit the gym again to do my chest & back workouts.
Today I am reading:The DaVinci Code
- I finally got sucked in and bought the damned book which although it is copyright 2003 (2 years old) the publishers have decided to continue to take advantage of the huge sales and continue to offer it in hardcover only. Isn't that nice of them? Well, I made a stink out of it at the bookstore and then admitted that I am a sucker anyway & I bought it. At least the bookstore tagged on a 30% off discount so that was appreciated & I even said so to the girl (with no personality - who probably thought I was nuts). Aren't I nice?
Brave or just silly?
I was up at 4:30 this morning (briefly) when Mr.Pttobegirl woke up to go to the gym & then again a little before 7 when he came home but I didn't actually roll out of bed until 9:15 or so (I stayed up until midnight last night). He decided to stay home because he ordered some tires for his Omega and they just came a few hours ago. I just got back from dropping them off at the tire place (to be mounted and balanced on his Crager rims) and going to tanning. I ran 4 miles this morning (from home to the end of the River trail & back) - it was beautiful weather for running and even ran into my neighbor who was out on a leisurely bikeride.I was brave too & did the standing tanning booth (yes, I know it's bad for my skin). I had to keep telling myself that the bulbs were not going to explode in my face! The standing booth is so loud & you have to hold onto these straps - freaky!! I toughed it out though for the full 6 minutes. I'm starting to get tan finally but it's not consistant because I had previously gotten some natural sunlight on like my belly, my arms and my legs so some of me is slightly darker. And it's funny because I look more tan indoors than out. I suppose my skin will catch up pretty soon (at least I hope it does!).And, it's not that I'm slacking with my 4:30am workouts - I'm on vacation! Whoot - whoot!