My cherry has been popped
Yes, folks (or folk - littletail) my tanning cherry has been popped!
My girlfriend Jaime talked me into signing up for tanning today during our lunch hour (I was planning to sign up on Friday anyhow) and I did my first 6 minutes today. I don't think I got much of anything but she said it might take a few hours to show up. So, if I have no burn tomorrow I go again for 6 more minutes (I'm starting small because I'm a burner) and so on until I get a "base" tan then I can start increasing my time in the bed. I'm psyched! I haven't been tan since I was a kid - all I do lately is burn & get frustrated and don't spend enough time in the sun (save for general outside activities).
- 10 minutes 15% incline @ 4mph
- 10 minutes on the bike over 16mph (last minute over 19mph)
- 10 minutes 15% incline @ 4mph
Bad girl!
Well, I'm embarassed to say that I didn't make it to the gym this morning. Shhhh! Don't tell anyone! I woke up with a dull, annoying head ache and decided to sleep in and skip the am workout. Mr. PTtobeGirl slept in with me.
But, I'm heading to the gym tonight to make up for it (or maybe I'll just hit to road for some running). I intended to do biceps & triceps too though so who knows. Maybe I'll hit the river trail after work & then hit the gym around 7ish ...
I am soo old!
This am consisted of about 1 -1/2 miles on the treadmill at a 15% incline - 3.5 -4mph and then 15 minutes on the bike and a little extra cooldown on the treadmill.
My gastrocnemius muscles (calf muscles) are screaming at me to lay off the running so I had no choice. I'm so old!! It's my own darned fault - I was runing again on Sunday. Too much running makes Jacqui a dull girl (ever watch "The Shining")? Well, if ya didn't then that makes absolutely no sense to ya ... If ya did - it still probably doesn't make too much sense.
Anyhow - that chest workout rocked my world. I had DOMS that lasted for 2, going on 3 days. I can still feel it ever so slightly.
Tomorrow is circuit training and later biceps and triceps :-)
Extra, extra
Well, yesterday was a great workout day. I normally take the weekends off from the gym and any extra is considered bonus but my week was thrown off kilter and I was itching to go. I argued with myself but soon found myself in the car dressed and ready to go. It's funny how much exercise has become a way of life for me. Without it I just feel like I'm not myself.
Anywho ... Here's what I did after my usual stretching (which I never list but always do):
Treadmill:- .25 @ 3.0 mph - warm-up
- 2.00 @ 6.0 mph - moderate run
- .25 @ 3.0 mph - active rest (needed some water & I'm a bad drink & run girl)
- 1.10 @ 6.0 mph - moderate run
- .25 @ 3.0 - cool down
Total: 3.85 miles
All Supersets - Chest & Back:
- 3 sets of 8 @ 55# Bench Press (on Smith Machine)
- 3 sets of 8 @ 62.5# Row Machine
- 3 sets of 8 @ 15# Dumbell Press to dumbbell Flyes
- 3 sets of 8 @ 40# Cable lat pulls
- 3 sets of 8 @ 30# Cable Cross-overs
- 3 sets of 8 Back Extensions (Roman Chair)
Oh & as a PT I know that you continue to burn calories even after your cardio (and throughout the day which is why many encourage am workouts - anyway). Well, I wore my heart rate monitor (which btw works with the cardio equipment & reads on the screens) and kept it on afterwards and I was still in the lower range of my training heart rate when I was doing my weight training. Can't beat that! I burned around 380 calories running plus who knows how many more weight training. Excellent!
That covers it. I'm feeling it today. Great workout!
Blonde Bimbo Pictures
Well, it took me a while but here are the hair pics.
The top one is me now & is my natural color (thanks mom - you were right). Did I just admit that?
It was fun to try the blonde (although it was not fun when it turned yellow!) but I feel much more comfortable now. Comment as you wish. The blonde was just not working with my skintone. And, sorry the pic quality is kind of stinky. And, check out the links on the side. I've added a few more blogs :-)

Blonde Bimbo 
Picture hosting thingamabobber
Ok, so I'm downloading this picture hosting site thingamajig. Wish me luck because I have no damned clue as to what to do. I'm new to this whole blogging/web publishing deal so .... if all goes well maybe you'll get to see some pictures :-)
I didn't make it to the gym this morning because I forgot to re-set my alarm (something I don't ordinarily have to do). I was going to go tonight so I didn't miss a day or mess with my schedule but I'm just so exhausted. It's not a bad idea to take a few days off here & there so. I'll be heading to the gym tomorrow though (which is normally an off day) so actually, it'll even out anyhow. I still feel strange being all "off schedule" - especially me - I'm so anal about having a routine with set days and yada, yada, yada .....
Well, I think I need to install this thing now that it's done downloading so 'till later ....
Move your asses!
Ok, I have to vent this.
I work with 2 ladies (for one of them - I use the term lady very loosely) that are the
epitome of laziness. Frankly, it makes me sick.
Today, as I was pulling out of the parking lot to go pick up my (healthy) lunch I saw them walking (outside) to the cafeteria so damned slow a turtle could have passed them. And, this is how they walk all the damned time! It's nuts - I mean -
move your asses! And, yes - they are both overweight - gee - can you guess why?
How awful of me to say this but ugh! I get up at 4:30 in the morning 5 days a week to work my ass
off at the gym only to come here 8-5 to see the world's most lazy people. It makes me nuts. And, once every 3 or 4 months the not-so-much-a-lady-lady claims she's eating healthy (yup, for 1 day!). Then - the very next day - she's eating - you-guessed-it - McDonald's!
I so want to puke! Or maybe I should just go running after work to get my frustration out. What's funny is that I still feel like I'm fat & the not-so-much-a-lady-lady is like the size of 2 1/2 of me. How crazy am I? I think that's what makes me madder - doesn't she see what she looks like - or better yet - feels like? I mean - if I think I'm fat or feel like I'm fat - I go work-out.
Why is there no motivation for some people? Why are they not motivated to be motivated?
Move your asses & maybe then you'll
lose your asses!! (my new slogan)
I mean - I run on the treadmill so I don' t feel my ass jiggle (although - I swear - it still does). I have been prone to cop a feel to see if my suspicions are real on occasion. How silly must I look?
Look at me - commenting on anothers actions when I can be seen running on the treadmill with ass-cheeks in hand ..... Hold on a second - while I laugh at my own damned self!
BTW - I don't normally knock overweight people - this just happens to be a person I can not stand for she has lack of ethics, morals, values, education, common sense and the worst case of hypochondria I have ever witnessed.
Ok, I'll stop now. I think I'm going to do some extra cardio tonight in honor of her.
pizza & wings
So, I had my free meal yesterday. It consisted of pizza and buffalo wings. Man did I pay for it this morning.
It turns out that when I eat crappy at night & hit the gym for cardio in the am - my ass is already kicked! Not to mention it was really warm in there - I was hot and had to fight with myself to get those 2 miles of running & 10 minutes of 15% incline @ 4mph! No problem though, I worked through it & still gave 110% (ok - maybe just 100%).
No more free meal at night in the middle of the week!! At least I learned my lesson.
Mistakes are fine - as long as you learn from them.
Tonight is chest & back.
Beautiful Day!
Yesterday was absolutely beautiful here in CT. Mr Pttobegirl and the Pttobegirl family beagle and I spent most of our time outside soaking up the sun. Today's goal is much the same although I'm hoping to toss some type of activity in there like a bike ride, jog or something of that nature. I also have to toss in my shoulder workout at some point.
It's funny how our house retains the cold - it's so damned cold in here right now that I'm wrapped in a blanket while sipping my coffee and blogging. It will warm up later but even yesterday the house was much colder than outside. I shouldn't complain however because in the heat of summer it still remains relatively cool in here so ....
Well, I'm signing off for now.
Happy Friday!
Well, the weekend is almost upon us (thank freakin' God!).
I left today's cardio workout feeling like I left something in the car (my oomph!). I never feel like I do enough if I don't run & do incline instead. Today was circuit day so it was 5 minute warm up (treadmill), 10 minutes elliptical, 10 minutes bike, 10 minutes treadmill, 5 minute cool down (treadmill). I didn't reach my 400 calorie goal either - only hit just over 300. I'm not to happy of a camper.
So, looks like I have to ramp it up tomorrow but it supposed to be so nice that I think I'm going to go on a nice long bike ride. Luckily I live in the country so I can go on some nice country roads.
I've been doing great with my water consumption (my goal is at least 80oz a day). I've been doing probably 90-95oz thanks to the early morning workouts. The weekends though - I am awful - I drink hardly enough.
Well, that's it for now.
So Proud!
Well, I meant to post this yesterday but for some reason it didn't happen. So, here it is ...
Ok, so this morning I was so proud of my workout buddy Jaime. I told her she was going to run a 10 minute mile then rest a 1/4 mile and then do it again & she thought I was crazy. Well, she did the first 10 and walked a 1/4 and then after 5 minutes (1/2 mile) was approaching I told her it was up to her - I know she can do it - the thing is - will she do it? She did! I was so proud.
Afterwards, I asked he how she felt and she said she felt like throwing up - I was so proud!! We both did our 400 calories so all was well.
She was joking telling our coworkers that I'm a slave driver and I gave her the choice of doing it or being a slacker. It was too funny. I kept telling her - ok well, if you really want to make it 20 minutes (2 miles) tomorrow that's ok with me. I told her I was giving her the gift of accomplishment - she made some snide remark but I'm sure I'm showing her she's far more capable than she thinks.
Anywho... off to enjoying my American Chop Suey (a BFL recipee with ground turkey, wheat rotini, stewed tomatoes and ketchup - yumm!).
A stiff neck and the workout
Well, Jaime didn't make it to the gym this morning so it was just me today (well, along with mr.pttobegirl and his boss). It's just as well because I had the worlds worst stiff neck Sunday & still went kayaking with the hubby however what I thought would make it better - made it worse and I was forced to take Monday off for cardio. I couldn't turn my head up or to the sides unless it was really slow so running was soooo out of the question. Still need to compensate for those lost calories so my goal is to burn at least 400 each day this week.
Yesterday am's workout conisted of running a just under a 5kwith a .25 warmup and a few minutes on incline. I'm trying to keep things varied so my body doesn't get stuck on a routine and reach a stalemate. Burned target of 400+ calories.
Yesterday pm's workout was biceps, triceps and legs and was as follows:
- 3 sets of 8 @ 15# - bicep curls
- 3 sets of 8 @ 10# - body hammer curls
- 21's (3 sets of 7)
- 3 sets of 8 @ 25# - bicep curl machine
- 3 sets of 8 @ 15# - overhead extensions
- 2 sets of 8 @ 40# - tricep pushdown
- 1 set of 8 @ 50# - tricep pushdown - gain!
- 3 sets of 8 @ 10# - skullcrushers
- 1 set of 10 bench dips
- 2 sets of 8 @ 25# - arm extension machine
- 1 set of 8 @ 37.5# - arm extension machine - gain!
Legs:- 3 sets of 8 @ 35# - squats (smith machine without pad)
- 2 sets of 8 @ 140# - leg press machine
- 2 sets of 37.5 - leg curl machine
- 1 set of 8 @ 85 # - abductor machine
- 2 sets of 8 @ 95 # - abductor machine - gain!
- 3 sets of 8 @ 60 # - adductor machine
That covers it. Today's cardio consisted of treadmill and elliptical machine. Burned my target of over 400 calories.
Tonight's workout will be shoulders and abs. I may just do these at home. I haven't decided yet ...
Well, off to work I go! (my cat Pooks keeps trying to sit on my lap with the laptop while I type & I keep having to tell him he can't. he's so funny.)
Rants and raves and PMS
Well, I should know it as a trainer that what the scale says doesn't matter but dammit-all I've finally had it. I can't seem to get out of the habit of using it so ... to prevent future heartache ...
I threw the damn thing out the window. I'm sick of that f'in thing telling me I am not making any progress. What the hell does it know anyway besides nothing!
I opened the bathroom window and chucked that mother f'er right out to bathroom scale heaven. It's darned lucky I didn't break it into a million pieces first!
Ok, I'm done now. Darned PMS is getting the best of me.
The hubby and I did spend a nice few hours kayaking at a local lake and we even layed out in the sun a little bit for the first time this year. It's around 70 degrees out today and just beautiful with sunny, blue skies. God must be watching over me and trying to kick that PMS out to the curb (or to bathroom scale heaven with my not so precious bathroom scale).
My answer to littletail and a little background
This for my pal littletail. Sorry, I didn't see your comment until just now.
Yes, I am an AFAA Certified Personal Trainer. After my battle with fitness - not knowing what to do, where to start or where to go for help I stumbled on the Body For Life program and got hooked on fitness.
I soon started reading everything I could, joined BFL messageboards and was soon helping keep my husband motivated with new exercises and new routines. I decided that I needed to help people that fall into that same category I was once in.
When I was in the midst of contemplating registering for a PT workshop and which certification program to enroll in I joined a gym (I had been working out at home) and was given 3 free sessions with a PT as part of my membership. I used one session and the trainer although nice didn't seem to be too concerned with what my goal was and although she was muscular and fit in her upper body, her lower body consisted of very large hips and thighs which struck me as odd.
As I explained to her that I gained yada, yada pounds when I quit smoking and that I wanted to reduce the fat on my hips and legs she commented that she's a big girl and she'll always have large hips and thighs. I thought - "What the hell is she talking about?!" That to me meant that she gave up on herself! How am I going to gain motivation from her if she gives up on herself?
As time went on (that was the only meeting with her) and I became more involved and almost religious about my exercise I soon omitted the words "I can't" from my vocabulary. I
can do anything - or at least I can
try. If I fail - who cares - I tried and I gave it my all and some day I will try it again and
I will succeed.
My friend Jaime told me the other morning at the gym that she smoked a cigarette the night before so I said "Ok, then you'll run at 6.0mph for 10 minutes." She said "I can't". I said "Can't is not to be in your vocabulary. You
can and you
She did. And, she was proud and so was I. We must never underestimate ourselves.
I used to underestimate myself so much but - not anymore. I am a force, nothing can stop me - but me and I want to help others find that force in themselves.
Well, the husband made it to the gym every day this week with the exception of Thursday (his decided off day)! At first I was a little leary of the idea - giving up independent gym Jacqui but I've actually started to like it! I still workout with my friend Jaime anyway and he works out with his boss.
It's funny, it turns out that I am holding the life line and if I stop going Jaime will stop going because I'm not and the husband (mr.pttobegirl) will stop going because I'm not and finally Scott (mr.pttobegirl's boss) will stop going because mr.pttobegirl is not! You know, not too much on my shoulders. Lucky for me - it doesn't phase me - in fact I find it quite humorous because I simply refuse to not go. I have to go, I have no choice - regardless of who else it affects - I wont go because I must go for my own damn self! I want to be a healthy, happy, well-rounded (and not in the belly) individual that will live a long, fullfilled life. I have to eat to live and I have to workout to live as well. They are both equally important. We must take care of our bodies or they will fall apart.
So ... so far I've done 4 days of cardio this week, 1 day of just weight training, and 1 day of both. I still need to get in one more day with some sort of cardio (gym or jogging or whatever) and 1 more day of weight training. Here's a breakdown of what I've been doing. I've been alternating my (& Jaime's) cardio because I get bored and because I can:
Monday is already listed (cardio)
Tuesday am: Cardio:
Circuit training:
5 minute warmup, 10 minutes running on treadmill, 10 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the bike, 5 minute cool down
Tuesday pm: Weight Training:
3 sets of 8 @ 50# - barbell bench press (I wanted to do 60 but it was just too much - damn!)
3 sets of 8 @ 15 # - decline dumbell bench press
3 sets of 8 @ 15# - decline dumbell flyes
2 sets of 10 pushups (easy - on knees)
2 sets of 8 @ 30# - side cable pulldowns
2 sets of 8 @ 60# - underhand lat pulldowns
2 sets of 8 @ 50# - row machine
2 sets of 10 - back extension (for lower back - I need to strengthen it!)
I wanted to do these great decline pull-ups but I forgot my gloves and the bar hurt my hands too much. I also did some of my leg workout early:
2 sets of 140# - leg press
2 sets of 37.5# - leg curl machine
Wednesday am: Cardio:
.25 @ 3.0 warm-up
.50 @ 6.0 (moderate jog/run)
1.5 @ 3.5-4 with increasing incline every minute
.25 @ 3.0 incline
2.5 miles total (about 300+ calories burned)
Thursday am: my ankle hurt like a bastard so we did weight training
I finished my leg workout:
2 sets of 8 @140# - Leg Press Machine
2 sets of 8 @60# - Leg Extension Machine
3 sets of 8 @ 85/60# - Abductor/Adductor Machine
1 set of 8 @ 37.5# - Leg Curl Machine
And did my shoulders:
2 sets of 8 @ 15# - Arnold Presses (man did I feel these in my chest too or what!)
2 sets of 8 @ 7.5# - Incline Frontal Raises
2 sets of 8 @ 7.5# - L-Concentric Raises
3 sets of 8 @ 50# - Row Machine (delts position)
3 sets of 8 @ 37.5# - Overhead Press Machine
Friday am: Cardio:
Circuit training:
5 minute warmup, 10 minutes running on treadmill, 10 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the bike, 5 minute cool down
I was hoping to change things up and do jumping jacks & x's but the x's hurt my ankle so we just ended with the bike and then cooled down on the Treadmill. We still burned at least 300 calories each.
I went to physical therapy for my ankle today during lunch. I was there well over an hour and now it aches (he said it would). I had ultrasound, electric (whatever you call it - I was scared - it was strange) and did some weighted excercises. The electric (whatever you call it) was weird but I realized that I had that on my lower back before - I just didn't know that's what it was. I was so freaked out that it was going to make my ankle move into a painful angle though so I refused to turn it up over 15. It actually contracts your muscles and makes your ankle move!
Well, that's it for now! I'll try to keep up more with the blog. I've been a-slacking!
The hubby made it to the gym
This morning's cardio was great. The hubby decided to try going and actually made it out of bed and to the gym this morning (after bickering how we need to get up earlier). I warned him tonight that he's messing with "Independant Jacqui" in the words of George on Seinfeld.
Goodness - have to tell you too that his boss met him there wearing a sweatsuit. People still wear those? He looked really comfortable but really silly at the same time.
Here's how it went down:
.25 @ 3.0-3.5
2.00 @ 6.0
.25 @ 3.0-3.5
.75 @ 6.0
.25 @ 3.0 & cool down
3.5 miles total
I finally tied myself down & planned the weeks workout too. I will continue my cardio 5 days per week (Mon-Fri) and I have compiled my weight training to be 3 days per week.
I'm not sure how I'm going to pull off the weights & the cardio. I may have to continue to go to the gym 2 x's a day. I go up to 3 times a day when I'm training Barbara.
Anyhow, I'm signing off. Time to watch a movie :-)
5 days works just swell and back to the old me
Well, the 5 days per week (Mon-Fri) workout schedule is going great. I'm surprised I've been successful in getting up every morning but I don't allow myself time to contemplate not getting up and I refuse to think of not getting up as an option.
Working out is like eating - we have to do it to live. No if's and's or but's!
My training sessions are going well with my new client. She is fun to train and I always leave feeling great that I helped her on her way to a healthier and happier lifestyle.
The hubby will be joining me at the gym tomorrow am along with his boss. It'll be interesting to see if he sticks to am w/o's or not.
The awful truth: Ate a whole lot of penuchi today but then today is my free day!
Brownie points: Lost a few pounds and a few inches! Love it!
Oh! And, ditched the blonde hair - just wasn't me. I'm back to my natural chestnut brown and I'm sure my mom is up in heaven saying "I told you so". But, that's ok mom - I still love ya!
More tomorrow :-)